Chapter Thirty-eight: Lines in the Hand.

Soo Jeon stood at the barre in her dance studio, her reflection staring back at her from the mirror-lined wall. The usual grace in her movements felt forced, her steps out of sync with the familiar rhythm. She tried to focus on the routine, but her mind kept drifting back to the tense dinner with Min Jun's parents. Their polite smiles had barely masked the disapproval simmering beneath the surface, especially from Mrs. Kang, whose every glance seemed to be comparing her to Ji-Eun.

 She stopped mid-step, catching her breath as frustration bubbled up. Her instructor, noticing her falter, approached with a concerned look. "Are you alright, Soo Jeon? You seem distracted today."

 Soo Jeon forced a small smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired."

 The instructor nodded but watched her with lingering concern as Soo Jeon returned to her position, trying to push through the unease weighing on her. As she took a break, she reached for her phone, hoping for a distraction, but what she found instead was a text from Ji-Eun.


Ji-Eun: "You looked out of place yesterday. It's obvious Min Jun's parents don't think you belong in his life. Maybe it's time you consider what's best for him."

 Soo Jeon's chest tightened, her fingers trembling slightly as she read and reread the message. Ji-Eun's words were like salt in an open wound, feeding the doubts that had already taken root. She locked her phone and set it aside, trying to shake off the sting of Ji-Eun's taunt, but the seed of insecurity had already been planted.

 Min Jun, meanwhile, was pacing outside his parents' house, gathering the courage to confront them. His resolve was firm—he needed them to understand that Soo Jeon was who he loved, and he wouldn't stand by while they tried to push her out of his life. Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside, greeted by his father's attempt at a warm welcome and his mother's thinly veiled displeasure.

 Mrs. Kang wasted no time, her tone clipped as she spoke. "Min Jun, I've been thinking about your future, and I can't understand why you're insisting on this relationship with Soo Jeon. Ji-Eun is a much better fit for our family—she understands our world."

 Min Jun felt his patience slipping. "This isn't about fitting into some mold, Mother. This is about who I love, and I love Soo Jeon. She's the one I want in my life, not Ji-Eun."

 His father interjected, trying to calm the rising tension. "Son, we just want what's best for you. You're making a hasty decision."

 Min Jun shook his head, his voice steady but firm. "No, I'm making the right decision for me. I've spent my whole life trying to meet your expectations, but I won't let you dictate who I can love. Soo Jeon is my choice, and that's final."

 His words hung in the air, the silence heavy with unspoken disagreement. Min Jun turned and left, his frustration boiling over as he slammed the door behind him. Outside, he took a deep breath, trying to steady the anger churning inside him. He pulled out his phone, his heart sinking when he saw Soo Jeon's text:

 Soo Jeon: "I'm struggling today. I wish you were here."

 Without a second thought, Min Jun headed to Soo Jeon's studio. When he arrived, he found her sitting on the floor, her back against the mirror, eyes red from unshed tears. She looked up as he entered, her expression a mixture of relief and lingering sadness.

 Min Jun crossed the room quickly, kneeling beside her and pulling her into a tight embrace. "I'm here now, Soo Jeon. I'm sorry for everything you're going through. I talked to my parents, and I told them how I feel. I won't let them or anyone else come between us."

 Soo Jeon clung to him, her tears finally breaking free as she let herself be held. "I just... I don't want to be the reason you're at odds with them, Min Jun. It's too much."

 Min Jun cupped her face, his gaze intense but filled with warmth. "You're not the reason, Soo Jeon. This is about us, and I'm not backing down. We'll face whatever comes, together."

 Soo Jeon nodded, her doubts still present but slowly fading in the face of Min Jun's unwavering support. They stayed like that for a while, holding each other in the quiet of the studio, finding comfort in the shared promise to keep fighting for their love.