Chapter Sixty-five: A Leap of Faith.

Lee Soo Jeon sat quietly by the window, watching the raindrops race down the glass. The once soothing rhythm of the rain felt distant, overshadowed by the thoughts swirling in her mind. Her ballet rehearsals had consumed her every waking hour, but in the midst of her busy life, she couldn't shake the feeling that something more important was slipping through her fingers — her relationship with Kang Min Jun.

Memories of their most recent conversation replayed in her head. He had been patient, understanding her commitment to her career, but she had seen the flicker of disappointment in his eyes when she told him she would miss yet another dinner.

Was this what she wanted? A successful career, but at the cost of losing the one person who made her feel complete?

She thought of all the sacrifices Min Jun had made for her, the countless times he had shown up, despite his hectic schedule, just to see her for a few fleeting moments. He never complained, always supporting her passion for ballet. But now, she wondered if she was being fair to him, to their relationship.

Soo Jeon turned her gaze back to her reflection in the window, her heart heavy with the realization that she had been avoiding for weeks. Her ballet career had been her dream since she was a child, but Min Jun had become her dream too, her future.

She sighed deeply, clutching the letter from the ballet company in her hand. It was an invitation to an international tour, an opportunity she had been working towards for years. But for the first time, the excitement was dulled by the thought of what she would leave behind if she accepted.

She stood up and grabbed her phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she typed out a message to Min Jun:

"Can we talk? I've made a decision."


When they met at their favorite café later that evening, Min Jun's eyes were filled with concern. He took her hands in his, searching her face for any sign of what was weighing on her mind.

Soo Jeon took a deep breath, steadying her nerves. "Min Jun," she began, her voice soft but steady, "I love ballet. It's been my life for so long. But I've realized something over the past few weeks..."

Min Jun's brow furrowed slightly, his grip on her hands tightening.

"I've realized that I don't want to keep putting us on hold. I don't want to lose you because of my work," she said, her voice breaking slightly. "I was offered an international tour, but I turned it down."

His eyes widened in surprise. "Soo Jeon... are you sure? This is what you've always wanted."

Soo Jeon nodded, her gaze never leaving his. "I thought it was. But I can't keep sacrificing us for my career. I want to be with you, Min Jun. Fully, without any distractions. I'm choosing us."

For a moment, Min Jun was silent, his eyes searching hers. Then, with a soft smile, he pulled her into his arms. "You don't have to choose, Soo Jeon. We'll find a way to balance it. But knowing you're choosing us... that means everything to me."

In his embrace, Soo Jeon felt a weight lift off her chest. She had taken the leap, and it felt right.