Chapter Seventy-four: Waiting for the Tide.

The days following the audition felt like an eternity. Soo Jeon tried to keep busy, filling her schedule with rehearsals, spending time with Min Jun, and catching up with friends, but the waiting gnawed at her. Every time her phone buzzed, her heart jumped, only to find it was just a message or notification unrelated to the audition results.

Min Jun noticed the subtle changes in her mood. She was more quiet, introspective, her usual energy slightly dimmed. He knew this was a difficult period for her, so he tried to be her anchor, offering her the kind of stability she needed.

They were sitting together one evening, on the couch in their cozy living room, the television playing in the background. Soo Jeon absentmindedly scrolled through her phone, a habit she had developed while waiting for news. Min Jun, sensing her tension, gently took the phone from her hand and set it aside.

"You're going to drive yourself crazy like this," he said softly, his eyes full of concern.

Soo Jeon sighed, sinking deeper into the couch. "I know, I just… can't help it. I want to know. Did I make it? Did I fail? The not knowing is worse than either outcome."

Min Jun wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Whatever the result, Soo Jeon, it won't change anything between us. You're still the incredible dancer you've always been, and this is just one step in your journey. You've already proven how strong you are."

She leaned into him, appreciating his warmth. "But what if I didn't make it? What if all this effort was for nothing?"

Min Jun tilted her chin up, looking into her eyes. "It's never for nothing. Even if this opportunity doesn't go the way you hoped, it's only a stepping stone. You've grown so much. I've seen it in the way you dance, the way you carry yourself. You'll keep going."

Soo Jeon closed her eyes, feeling the comfort in his words. He always knew how to ground her, to remind her of the bigger picture. But there was still a part of her that worried. Not just about the audition but about everything—her future, their relationship, the uncertainty ahead.

"I just… I want something to go right," she whispered.

Min Jun kissed her forehead. "And it will. I promise you, good things are coming."


Min Jun's Work Tension

At the same time, Min Jun was dealing with pressure of his own. The new design he had proposed was well-received by the clients, but they were asking for even more revisions—tighter deadlines, additional features that required late nights and constant focus. He hadn't told Soo Jeon about the increasing demands at work, not wanting to add to her stress.

As he worked long hours at the office, his mind often wandered back to her. He wanted to be there for her fully, but he felt stretched thin. His own frustrations were beginning to pile up, though he kept them hidden behind a calm façade.

One evening, as he stared at the plans in front of him, his phone rang. It was his supervisor, calling to check on the progress. Min Jun sighed and answered.

"Min Jun, we need to talk about the project," his supervisor began, his tone serious. "The clients are pushing for more changes. They're asking for a complete redesign of the interior layout."

Min Jun frowned, feeling the weight of the new demands. "A complete redesign? But we've already gone through multiple revisions. That would set us back significantly."

"I know," the supervisor replied. "But this is what they want. We need to deliver, even if it means working overtime. Can I count on you for this?"

Min Jun closed his eyes, the stress settling heavily on his shoulders. He didn't want to disappoint anyone, but the constant demands were taking their toll.

"Yeah," he replied after a pause. "I'll make it work."

But as he hung up the phone, a sinking feeling settled in his chest. He couldn't keep this up forever—not without it affecting other parts of his life.


A Moment of Vulnerability

That night, when Min Jun finally returned home, he found Soo Jeon waiting for him, curled up on the couch with a book. She looked up when he entered, her eyes soft with concern.

"You're late again," she noted gently.

Min Jun sighed, dropping his bag by the door. "Yeah, work's been… intense lately."

Soo Jeon got up and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "You don't have to carry all of this alone, you know."

He rested his chin on her head, holding her close. "I don't want to burden you. You've got enough on your plate with the audition."

"But we're in this together," she said, pulling back to look at him. "I don't want you to burn out because you're trying to protect me. We need to be honest with each other about what we're going through."

Min Jun sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know. I just… I don't want to make things harder for you."

Soo Jeon cupped his face in her hands, her gaze steady. "Min Jun, we're a team. If something's weighing on you, it's weighing on me too. Let me in."

He looked into her eyes, feeling the truth of her words sink in. For so long, he had tried to be the one to fix everything, to be her support without showing his own vulnerabilities. But he realized now that wasn't fair—not to her, and not to himself.

"You're right," he admitted quietly. "Work's been overwhelming, and I've been trying to handle it all on my own. But I don't have to do that, do I?"

Soo Jeon smiled softly. "No, you don't. We'll get through this together, just like we always do."


Facing the Future Together

Over the next few days, both Soo Jeon and Min Jun began to share their burdens more openly with each other. Min Jun told her about the mounting pressure at work, and she offered him the same support he had given her throughout her audition process. Together, they navigated the challenges, finding strength in their partnership.

One evening, as they sat together after dinner, Min Jun looked at Soo Jeon, his heart swelling with gratitude for her presence in his life.

"I know things have been tough lately," he said, his voice sincere. "But I'm glad we're facing it all together."

Soo Jeon nodded, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on his hand. "Me too. No matter what happens, we've got each other."

Min Jun leaned in, kissing her softly on the lips. "That's all I need."

As the night deepened, they both felt a sense of calm wash over them. The future was uncertain, and there were still challenges ahead, but they knew that as long as they had each other, they could face anything.