Beauties bath

Ha joon continued his journey around the castle, his eyes scanning the doors one by one.

He had been doing this for the past two minutes and honestly, he was starting to get fed up.

All these just because he wanted to see a sneak peak of her naked.


Ha Joon suddenly stopped walking.

'You know, now that I think about it. Her boobs ain't all that. Sure, she's all cute and pretty, but her milk makers are nothing compared to Merlin's, hell, even that Guinevere person has a bigger bust.'

• • •

'Ahhhhh! But I still want to see it though? Seeing a strong leader so weak and defenseless.'

He imagined Artoria in her white night dress, folded on the bed with her chest facing him while she laid there, waiting for him to devour her.

'Even the thought of it is driving me nuts. I mean Arthur Pendragon has always been one of my favorite historical figures, now that he's a chick, it's even more perfect. This is so sad…'

[Guinevere is headed this way.]

'Damn! Right, I did tell the System to put an Icon tag on her so I could know Morgana's chamber.'

Ha Joon spoke, he could see the red dot heading towards his location from the template in front of him.

He needed to think quickly so Guinevere wouldn't catch him again.

He hid inside a gueridon, using the white cloth to cover himself so he wouldn't be spotted.

And just as he planned, Guinevere walked right past the cart, not a single suspicious glace that someone could be hiding in the corner watching her.

But just as she was about to walk passed Ha Joon Kim, she uttered something -

"I should really get these towels to her majesty, why did you forget Guinevere, you're so stupid!".

A smile lit on Ha Joon's face.

"Well well well, it seems you're actually useful you cute devil you." He said menacingly.

The moment Guinevere was gone, Ha Joon began his hunt. He tracked her down using his Icon tag skill. Hiding and tailing like a stalker, until eventually -

He was outside the castle, somewhere in the courtyard where there was an in-built hot spring just for Artoria.

This place was surrounded by the castle walls, and just next to the hot spring, were rocks that one could sit on, and running water from bamboo pipes to wash the body.

And then-

There she was, in all her majesty and cuteness.

Artoria, was seated on the rock, taking a full bowl of lukewarm water and pouring it on her body while Guinevere walked away.

Ha Joon was hiding on top of the castle wall, he had used his earth manipulation skill so he could get up there and get a better look.

'I feel like a creeper but for some reason it doesn't matter. Even if I get caught, oh damn it feels so worth it'.

Artoria had poured the water on the body, her fair skin getting soaked and glittering. She took both her hands and cupped her breast up before washing herself.

And Ha Joon remained where he was, bricked and heated. The sight of Artoria naked was enough to make anyone run mad.

Artoria continued, rubbing her skin with the water, under her armpit, in between her juicy thighs, even the way she arched her back made Ha Joon imagine the wildest things.


The door to the hot spring suddenly opened, and in came Merlin, a small white towel covering her front view as she walked.

Her side boobs were exposed and even her heavenly gates were out in the open for Ha Joon to see, this was paradise.

"Her royal Highness is taking a bath, by this time of the hour? You really have changed since the boy showed up." Merlin uttered, removing the towel before stepping into the hot springs.

She rested her back on the rock just beside Artoria, her breast out and her nipples pink, just like Artoria's.

Ha Joon was still hiding on top of the castle wall, he could practically hear what they were talking about, but at the time, he was too distracted looking at both their lustfully bodies.

"What makes you say that?" Asked Artoria, before she looked at Merlin.

"Eh? Isn't it obvious? Firstly you let him stay in the royal chamber, you actually confronted Mordred because she almost killed him, you asked him for advice and you never do that willingly and to top it off, I caught you sniffing his bedsheets." Merlin spoke.

Artoria's face instantly turned red when she heard the last part.

'Wha…what, Artoria was sniffing my bedsheet? Either she thinks I peed on my bed or there's something more to this, and I'm definitely going to listen in'.

"I did no such thing!" Artoria yelled, yanking up from the water while facing Merlin directly.

"Oh my, your majesty, you've grown quite a lot over the few years. You might get bigger than me in a few months." Merlin teased, looking at Artoria's boobs.

"Don't change the subject. I never sniffed anything! You take that back, you want the Traveler thinking I'm some kind of pervert?" Artoria said as she pointed at Merlin.

"There you go again, mentioning him." Merlin pointed out, and this caused Artoria's face to turn even more red as she settled back inside the water.

Merlin laughed out loud.

"There's no reason for you to feel embarrassed, trust me, the Traveler isn't as innocent as you think. Besides, it's a perfectly normal reaction, especially since he is someone you have been expecting."

Artoria gently sank deeper into the water.

"I guess so".

'Uhm? Artoria has been expecting me?'.

"How was it again, oh right…" Merlin slammed her fist on her palm as she remembered, "Hasn't it always been a guy in a weird dress playing with you while you were younger?".

Artoria sighed.

"This is you stylishly trying to make me tell you the story again." Artoria looked to the side harshly.

"Oh come on, I'm sure it's something you can do, besides, it's something you enjoy saying to me, no?" Merlin leaned closer, excitement on her face.

"Sigh! Alright fine. But just this once".



Power stones and comments really motivate me to provide more chapters for you all, please don't be shy to send a few.