Favourite mage

"You idiot! Why are you mixing the two spells together!!! It's obviously going to explode!" Merlin yelled at the young man, dressed in a mage's uniform.

"I'm so-sorry, I didn't know you were talking about this antidote!" the boy voiced, his face covered in magic particles.

Right in front of them, was about fifty different magic bottles, each one filled with all kinds of magical liquids.

The room wasn't that big, but it still held its charm. Plants took the left side, and in the center of the room, was a round table where Merlin and the boy stood.

Just upward from there, towards the end of the room, was a huge bed with curtains around it. Windows on the wall, with lots of shelves, each one holding a different thing for magic craft.

The boy in question was one of Merlin's students, the 12 year old son of a noble man who decided he wanted his son to learn from only the best mage since he discovered his son was a mage class.

"Honestly Karl, we can't keep doing this. This is the third time I've told you, don't touch the bottles." Merlin said with exhaustion , before settling down on the chair not too far from her.

The boy, his red hair covering his forehead and eyes, looked to the ground, unable to say a word to defend himself.

Suddenly, there was a knock on Merlin's door.

Before she could answer it, the door swung open and Mordred walked in.

"Merlin, your help is needed." She said as she walked into the room, a frown on her face like always.

"No please, enter my room without my permission." Merlin said sarcastically.

"I already did that." Replied Mordred as she moved closer, "Morgana's illness is getting worse, we need more of the medicine".

Merlin's eyes widened a bit, "Just as i thought, the more she uses the Velion, the less it has effect on her. At this rate, she might not make it before the end of summer".

"Don't spout such nonsense, I didn't come here to hear your pessimism. Give me the medicine and I'll be on my way." Mordred uttered, not a hint of warmth on her face.

Merlin sighed.

"And you have such a pretty face, all wasted behind that frown of yours."

"Watch your mouth-"

Before Mordred could pull out her sword behind her back, something stiff had halted her movement, making it hard for her to pull out her sword.

"Yo Merlin, is this dude bothering you?".

Mordred's eyes widened, she definitely recognised that voice.

Even Merlin, who seemed shocked at first, immediately had a joyous face.

"Traveler." She called out.

Immediately, Mordred leaped away while looking behind her simultaneously. She stood at the corner of the room, where she could see Ha Joon, standing in the middle of the room.

'Well damn, I didn't think I'd have enough strength to actually stop her from pulling out her blade. I guess my training has indeed been paying off.' Ha Joon muttered to himself while looking at his hand.

"You again? What? Did you not learn your lesson from last time?" Mordred said with a smile, before now pulling out her blade.

"Hmm… didn't I put a hole in your chest the last time?" Ha Joon spoke back.

This caused Mordred to groan a bit, her anger clearly getting the best of her.

Just as she wanted to say something, Merlin used her magic to set up a small barrier, right in the middle of the two of them.

"Enough, think Mordred. He's the prime minister now, just just a guest." Merlin uttered with a soft voice as she continued.

"I know you're angry, but can we not do this in my workshop? I'll get you the Velion antidote before nightfall, you should go tell Morgana I'll come see her".

Mordred stared at Ha Joon as Merlin's words began to settle. But Ha Joon on the other hand didn't seem like he cared about whatever was going on.

"Tsk!" Mordred hissed, "Get it done." She said before walking out of the room.

"I..I should get going too..." The student said, hastily walking out of the room.

'Damn, and I was hoping we'd actually throw it down. I owe her a full fist of gender equality for the shit she pulled back then. Hell, even when Artoria was making me crown minster, she objected to it the most, loudmouth knight.' Ha Joon gave her the side eye.

The barrier came down.

"So tell me, Traveler, why are you here?" Merlin uttered as she sat back down on the chair, completely dismissing what had happened.

"Well, i miss my favorite mage, so i just came to see your face." Ha Joon replied.

Merlin paused, almost as if his reply gave her a critical hit.

"So you mindlessly walked into the lion's den." She said with a low voice.

"Lions den? What do you me-"

In the blink of an eye, Ha Joon found himself strapped to the wall, dark energy oozing chains locked his arms and legs to the wall.

'What the…'

"You can be so cruel sometimes." Merlin muttered as she slowly stood up from the chair.

Ha Joon was still desperately trying to fight getting free, but the more he moved, the tighter the mysterious chains got.

"Ever since you became the prime minister, you've been so busy, spending time with only Artoria." Merlin moved closer.

"I don't think i spent that much- "

"You forgot all about mummy, didn't you? You know, since I held your dick in my hand, every night, I've been dreaming of that exact moment." Merlin was now right in front of Ha Jun.

With one hand, she pushed her thumb inside his mouth, and with the other, she grabbed his balls together with the fabric covering it.

Her lips, brushing against his cheeks.

"D-dreaming? T.. that's crazy innit?" Ha Joon managed to reply, even though the sensation of Merlin's playing with his cock was starting to overwhelm him.

She then licked the side of his face, leaving a trail of saliva before gently biting Ha Joon's ear.

"Say, have you done anything like this with Artoria?" She mumbled in his ear.

With his reddish face, Ha Joon replied, "No… not any that i remember".