Who am I to argue?

Ha Joon and Mordred walked side by side. Her blade strapped behind her, while Ha Joon held his magic smartphone in his hand.

[You are 420 meters away from the cave.]

'Sweet, I knew using my Endurance points to download this magic map app wasn't a bad idea. It was able to locate this mining ground for me, who would have thought a mining ground would be right under us… and it's not just one'.

Ha Joon stared at the screen of his phone, the tiny red dots blinking where all the area the map had detected the mining grounds.

"Not to start up a conversation with you or anything, but it's been bugging me, why exactly did you ditch going to the farm to go sightseeing?" Morded asked, her steps slow behind him.

"I didn't ditch to go sightseeing, I told you before we head to the farm, we need to check out these mining grounds." Ha Joon replied.

"Yeah, except there isn't one, and even if there was, it's probably being taken over by monsters or something." She spoke.

"Well aren't you the positive angel, you're probably the type to complain about dick size during sex."

"What was that? Just because you happened to get a lucky win, doesn't mean you get to-"

"Taaadahhh, and we are here!!!"

Ha Joon yelled, standing on a giant vine; below him were tons of tunnels, each one at least two times bigger than the royal castle. It was similar to a grand canyon, with a small river running in the middle, but not deep enough, so anyone could easily walk on it.

Mordred, a surprised look on her face, stared at the new location she and Ha Joon had found.

"I've spent my whole life in Camelot, there's no way I would have missed this." she muttered to herself, almost in disbelief.

"And would you look at that, a new water source. Come, let's check it out."

Ha Joon leaped down, his fall lasting a good minute before he landed on the ground with a small boom.

Once he landed, he looked up at Mordred -

"Well come on, we don't have all day." before walking towards one of the tunnels.

'This man… just what the hell is your deal?' Mordred sighed.

"Seriously, you're making it really annoying to hate you right now!" She yelled before jumping also.

Ha Joon had gotten to the entrance of the cave, fire floating above his palm, helping light up the dark tunnel.

The tunnel was wide, at least enough to fit hundreds of men at the same time. On the ground, walls, and ceiling, were purple energy radiating crystals that stretched deep into the cave.


Ha Joon called out, a smile on his face; even though he didn't know what they were, he was certain he had hit the jackpot.

[These are Gyro gems, magical gems able to act as magical batteries, conductors, and other uses, such as printing money, making weapons, and so much more. It is highly valued in the economy.]

'I knew it. And from the looks of things, this could easily make Camelot rise back in terms of monetary value.' He grinned.

Mordred also walked into the cave, her eyes widened in shock when she saw the Gyro gems.

"No way." She blurted out.

"Oh yes way, with this kind of asset, can you imagine how other countries would want to get their hands on it? This is the kind of thing I need, something to make everyone easily bend to our will knowing we have the substance of wealth they need."

Ha Joon spread his arm apart, while looking at Mordred who was still trying to comprehend what was in front of her.

"Go on, you can say it. I'm awesome aren't I?! Of course I am, I did tell you I'm Camelot's savior, didn't I? Shower me with all the praise".

"You're…crazy." Mordred muttered, but for the first time, this wasn't coming from a place of irritation.

Ha Joon gently lowered his arm, a soft smile on his face, "In this very moment, you tell me, has the Traveler earned your respect?".

Mordred stared at him for a while, his red mesmerizing eyes staring back at her.

She smiled a bit, before walking deeper into the cave.

"I know you love me, Mordred!!!".

"Shut up."

"She loves me".


They continued their research deeper into the cave, the more they explored, the more Gyro gems they found. Each having different sizes and colors.

It was surprising how deep the cave went, at some point it felt like they had been walking for hours.

Mordred, finally having enough, gently settled on the ground.

"At this point, we might actually get lost, why don't we come back with more people?" She voiced out.

Ha Joon turned around, "No we won't, I have a GPS, you don't have to worry about that." He replied.

"What is a gps?" Mordred glared.

"Goods per sale, will you get up your butt and let's move?! We have to make sure this isn't infested or anything." Ha Joon spoke crankily.

"You can go on ahead, I'm not going anywhere, you can meet me outside" Mordred spoke, her arms folded.

"Mordred Bartholomy Pendragon!"

"That is not my middle name".

"This is no time to start acting like a spoiled brat, Yukio is waiting for us at the farm, and I for one, can't start any of my work without these crystals, so you better get up this instant."

"What do you need me for? You can clearly handle this your- ow!".

A snake had appeared from nowhere and bitten Mordred.

Ha Joon acted quickly, constructing a small knife and piercing the running snake with a simple throw.

"Did it bite you?" Ha Joon moved closer.

But Mordred, almost instantly, collapsed to the ground, her breath ragged, and her body running temperature.

Ha Joon got to her.

"Yo, stay with me princess, I'll heal you."

Mordred suddenly grabbed Ha Joon's arm, pushed him to the ground, and sat on his crotch.

Her face was red.

Her breath is still heavy.


"I…I wanna do it." she uttered, her eyes swirling as she looked him in the eye while licking her lips.

Suddenly -

[A new side quest has been issued.]

[Side quest: Satisfy the Rebellious Knight.]

[Objective: The knight has been infected by a venomous snake and is currently going through an intense sexual drive. She needs sexual intercourse, satisfy her.]

[Reward: A new feature for your device.]

'Who am I to argue with the system?'.