The Goddess, Ishtar

///The nation of Unakel///

The well known Nation of Unakel was known to be the third largest kingdom in all of Tavert. It is an isolated nation bordered by thick forest, making it difficult for outsiders to access.

With a population of over 2.5 million people, the king of the nation had over five noble powerful factions to help rule his people, which was legitimized by the Oracle of Ishter.

Every nation had a deity that reigned supreme over it, Camelot had the Dragon emperor, Pendragon, and Unakel was no exception to this trait.

The nation itself happened to be one of the few nations to have a god rule over it, making it a God land country.

Nations with gods who rule over were considered to always be successful and thriving. People were birth with exceptional blessing due to the influence of these gods.

Ishtar was one of those gods that decided to rule over a nation. She ruled for over 200 years, making her name known widely and far.