**Chapter 9: The Sun Court**

The next day, the group returned to the training grounds, curious about what the new challenge would be. They had faced cannonballs, climbed walls, and learned to control their Sun Qi under pressure. Each day had been tough, but they could feel themselves getting stronger, more prepared for the real Solar Games.

As they gathered, the instructor stood before them with a serious expression. Behind him was a large, open area that looked like a giant court, surrounded by tall walls. The ground was marked with lines and circles, and strange glowing orbs hovered above it.

"This is the Sun Court," the instructor announced. "Today's training will test your speed, agility, and teamwork. The Sun Court is designed to push you to your limits and help you work together as a team. You'll be split into two groups and will compete against each other."

Helios looked at the Sun Court, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. The court seemed like it would be challenging, but he was ready to give it his all.

The instructor continued, "In this game, the goal is simple: get the glowing orb into the opponent's goal. However, the orbs are charged with Sun Qi and will react to your energy. The more Sun Qi you channel into them, the faster and more powerful they become. But be careful—if you lose control, the orb can explode, and you'll be out of the game."

The group was divided into two teams, with Helios, Kade, and Sylvi on one side. Arion was on the other team, along with some of the other contestants who had shown strong abilities in the previous challenges.

The instructor blew a whistle, signaling the start of the game. The glowing orbs floated into the air, and both teams sprang into action.

Helios focused on the nearest orb, channeling his Sun Qi into his legs as he sprinted toward it. He reached out, touching the orb with his hand. It glowed brighter, reacting to his energy. Helios could feel the power surging through it, making the orb lighter and easier to control.

"Over here!" Kade shouted, positioning himself near the opponent's goal. Helios nodded, focusing on the orb and sending a wave of Sun Qi into it. The orb shot forward, zooming across the court toward Kade.

Kade jumped into the air, catching the orb with one hand. He spun around, using his momentum to throw the orb toward the goal. But just as the orb was about to enter the goal, Arion appeared out of nowhere, his hand glowing with Sun Qi. He intercepted the orb, deflecting it away from the goal.

"Nice save!" one of Arion's teammates shouted.

Helios gritted his teeth, realizing that this game would be tougher than he thought. Arion was fast, and his control over the Sun Qi was impressive. But Helios wasn't about to give up. He quickly regrouped with his team, ready to try again.

The game continued, with both teams pushing themselves to the limit. The orbs zipped back and forth across the court, glowing brightly as they absorbed the Sun Qi from the players. The air crackled with energy, and the tension was high.

Sylvi managed to grab one of the orbs and passed it to Helios, who was positioned near the goal. Helios focused all his energy into the orb, preparing to make a powerful shot. But just as he was about to release it, the orb started to vibrate violently.

"Watch out!" Kade shouted.

Helios realized too late that he had put too much energy into the orb. It began to glow dangerously bright, and with a loud crack, it exploded in a burst of light. Helios was thrown backward, landing hard on the ground.

The instructor quickly blew the whistle, stopping the game. Helios sat up, dazed but unhurt. He had lost control, and it had cost his team a chance to score.

"You're out of the game, Helios," the instructor said, walking over to him. "Remember, control is just as important as power. You need to find the balance."

Helios nodded, disappointed in himself. He had been too focused on winning and had forgotten the importance of controlling his Sun Qi. As he watched from the sidelines, his team continued the game, but without him, they struggled to keep up with Arion's team.

In the end, Arion's team won, scoring the final goal just before the time ran out. Helios felt a pang of guilt, knowing that he had let his team down. But he also knew that this was part of the training—learning from mistakes and getting better.

The instructor gathered everyone together at the end of the game. "Today's training was about speed, teamwork, and control. The Solar Games will require you to work together, to move quickly, and to make split-second decisions. But most importantly, you must learn to control your power. If you lose control, it can cost you the game—or worse."

Helios listened carefully, taking the lesson to heart. He knew he had a lot to learn, but he was determined to improve. The real Solar Games were still years away, and he had time to master his abilities.

As they left the training grounds, Helios walked alongside his teammates. They were tired and a bit bruised from the game, but there was a sense of determination in the air. They had faced a tough challenge today, but they were growing stronger with each passing day.

"We'll get them next time," Kade said, clapping Helios on the back. "We just need to keep working together and stay focused."

Helios nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, we will. And I won't lose control again."

With the support of his friends and the lessons he was learning, Helios knew that he was on the right path. The journey to the Solar Games was long, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.