
I suddenly heard a notification from the system saying to wake me up, but it felt like just a few seconds ago that the system said to close my consciousness for 7 hours.

"Hey system, why did you wake me up so suddenly?"

Learning this was shocking for me, as if no time had passed, but in reality, a lot of time had. Oh, I also heard the sound of the task being completed.

"System, where is the reward for my task?"

"Okay, system, show me the status."



Source: 100

Source Point: 1

Shop: Unlocked



I saw the shop option glowing brightly, and the task section showed the task for opening the shop as completed. I clicked on the shop section, but it was empty.

"System, why is there nothing in this shop section? You told me I could buy anything in the shop."

"Okay, system, show me the senses that I can buy."

Suddenly, a very long list of senses appeared, many of which I didn't even know existed.

"System, why are there so many senses?"

"Oh, now I understand. I think I need to explain in detail what kind of skills I need to learn to use this shop. Okay, system, show all the senses that my previous body had."


Sight (Vision) - 10 source points

Hearing (Audition) - 10 source points

Taste (Gustation) - 10 source points

Smell (Olfaction) - 10 source points

Touch (Tactile) - 10 source points

Hunger and Thirst - 10 source points

Balance (Equilibrioception) - 50 source points

Temperature (Thermoception) - 50 source points

Pain (Nociception) - 50 source points

Chemoreception - 50 source points

Proprioception (Kinesthetic Sense) - 50 source points

Time (Chronoception) - 100 source points


"What the hell is this?" I shouted inside my head after seeing this list. "I didn't even know I had so many senses, and why are they so expensive? I can't buy even one sense. And system, why are there price differences between these senses? Don't all senses have the same price?"

"Okay, but I only got 1 source point in 10 hours. How am I going to collect so many source points? To buy just the cheapest sense, I have to wait 90 more hours, and to buy all the senses, it will take days."

I remember you told me before that I can collect sources from the environment.

"Okay, then I want the technique to absorb the source from the environment."

"What do you mean? Are there different types of techniques?"

"Okay, if I spend one source point, how much source point can I get in one hour?"

"Okay, then tell me the cheapest technique to absorb the source from the environment."

why can I absorb only 100 source point in a day.

"This means that I can't buy anything for now? Why don't I just sleep for the time being? When all the source points are there, I will wake up. System, put me to sleep until I have collected 1200 source points."

I felt my consciousness slip away once more. The darkness engulfed me, and I was left in a state of timeless void.

Time passed, though I couldn't feel it. I had no sense of my surroundings, just an endless expanse of nothingness. It was both unsettling and peaceful at the same time.

"System, what happened?" I asked groggily.

"How much time has passed?"

<12000 hours have passed. The host has now accumulated 1200 source points.>

"Finally," I muttered. "Okay, system, show me the technique to absorb the source from the environment."

A new list appeared before me, showcasing various techniques with their respective costs.


Absorption Technique 1 - 1000 source points


"System, I want to buy the Basic Absorption Technique."

I felt a strange sensation, almost like a pulse of information running through my being. 

I suddenly know how to use this technique. 

So now, I can collect source points at a faster rate.

"Great. But this still feels like a slow process. System, is there any other way to speed this up?"

"Okay, that sounds interesting?"

but you told me everything is made up of sources then why only special items.

ok, now it seems have to find items with powerful sources and buy senses to navigate. It seems that it is going to be an interesting journey.