
As I added the body to my buy list. Then I decided it was time to explore this jungle to move and I noticed that I was floating in the air. it seems that I can float.

It was a very new experience was me. As in my previous life, I was used to waking and now I was floating. 

I began to traverse the forest, utilizing my enhanced senses to navigate. The ground beneath me was uneven and was covered with a layer of soft, damp leaves. 

As I delved deeper into the forest, I observed more intricate details. The trees were not merely tall, they looked ancient, with gnarled trunks covered in thick bark. Vines and creeping plants coiled around the bases of the trees, adding to the sense of wildness and age.

I started to float deep into the forest I saw many small animals and birds, and as I was moving deep I suddenly heard a deep roar from the distance. I started moving in that direction and saw a very huge tiger.

At first, I was startled and afraid, but I quickly hid behind the bushes.

how can there be such a big tiger exist in the world? I noticed that the tiger was eating some strange animal that I had not seen.

system why is this tiger so big.

it really seems that I need to buy this cultivation knowledge and analysis skills. system show me all the cultivation knowledge that exists.


1. Fundamental Knowledge Level - 100,000 source points

2. Advanced Knowledge Level - 500,000 source points

3. Cosmic Knowledge Level - 1,000,000 source points

4. Dimensional Knowledge Level - 5,000,000 source points

5. Transcendent Knowledge Level - 10,000,000 source points

6. Omniverse Knowledge Level - 50,000,000 source points


system why is knowledge for cultivation so expensive.

if this is cheap then what is expensive. I think I should ask the system for cultivation knowledge for this planet only. system show me all the cultivation knowledge for this planet.


1. Basic Knowledge Level - 5,000 source points

2. Intermediate Knowledge Level - 20,000 source points

3. Advanced Knowledge Level - 50,000 source points

4. Complete Knowledge Level - 100,000 source points


The Complete Knowledge Level for this planet was priced similarly to fundamental knowledge in the omniverse. I decided to add the Basic Knowledge Level for Planet Elara to my buy list.

everything is getting expensive, I need to first buy a good source absorption technique to make this process fast. I will just sleep and wake up until I have enough source points but before that, I will first explore this jungle. after coming to this world I have not done anything other than just sleeping and talking to this system. I want to do something different or I will go crazy.

System, can the tiger see me? as I was I asked, concerned about my safety.

"Great, then I'm safe. I'll follow the tiger to see where it goes," I decided.

I want to see what would it do. after eating itself to the full the tiger started to go from there, then it went near a lake and drank water from it. I noticed that there were many small animals drinking water from the lake even when this big tiger came near them. then only the area around him. usually, small animals should run after seeing this big tiger. Are animals in this world so brave that they are not afraid of this big tiger? system why are these animals not running away after seeing this tiger?

it seems they have created their own balance in this area.

after drinking water from the lake tiger started to walk near a very big tree beside the lake.

why is this tiger sleeping I thought that he would go somewhere but this tiger started after eating and drinking.

it seems that I chose the wrong tour guide for myself, I think I should also sleep.

"System, can you track the tiger's movements while I sleep?" I requested.

"Alright, wake me up tomorrow when the absorption limit resets," I instructed before closing my consciousness.

< closing host consciousness>

I awoke to the system's notification that the absorption limit had reset. It was morning, and the tiger was still resting peacefully on the ground.

"System, what time is it?"

As I learned about this world's unique time system, I was fascinated. I had heard of planets with more than one moon in my previous solar system, but the concept of two suns was entirely new to me. The idea of four moons and two suns influencing the planet's cycle was intriguing.