Humans in the Wilderness

After witnessing the battle between these cultivating beasts, I realize how weak I am in this new world. I need to get stronger and collect more source points. Collecting enough source points will be my first priority.

After fighting with that bull demon, the tiger took its huge corpse near the lake. When the tiger was taking the huge body of the bull demon, I noticed all the small animals greedily looking at the dead body, but none dared to come near due to fear of the tiger. Despite its injuries, the tiger seemed to relish the bull demon's meat. System, is there anything special about this cow meat?

Are there no cultivation techniques, like in the novels I read in my previous life, where the protagonist finds a powerful and mysterious cultivation technique to grow stronger quickly?

It seems cultivation for demons is very difficult. System, why do you use two different words like animals and demons aren't they the same?

Oh, so this tiger is also a demon. Now it looks like the tiger is going to eat and cultivate again. For now, I will go back to sleep. System put me back to sleep and wake me up when the tiger wakes up or the absorption limit resets.

What day is it now? I asked the system after waking up.

This is the 604th day since the host came to this world. I have been collecting source points every day from the fight between the tiger demon and the bull demon. It has been 100 days since then. (The 12000 hours it took to collect 1200 source points in chapter 3 is 500 days + 4 days after that + 100 days after the fight with the tiger demon and bull demon).

After the fight with the bull demon, there were two more demon attacks: a pig demon and a rat demon. Both times, the tiger demon won and took their bodies as its victory. The pig demon was as strong as the bull demon, but the rat demon was very weak. Its only advantage was its speed, but that didn't work on the tiger demon, which killed it in just two moves.

Now let's see how many source points I have collected. System, show me my status.



source: 100

source points: 10654.2 points

shop: unlocked


skill: source absorption technique 1


Seeing so many source points, I couldn't handle my excitement. I felt the same joy as when I received my first salary in my past life. Now, where should I spend these hard-earned source points? Let's see, I can get a body with cultivation talent for 7000 source points, but I want to buy a higher level of the source absorption technique. System, how much is the next source absorption technique?

What should I buy first, a cultivation body or the improved source absorption technique? I don't want to wait 100 days just to collect 10000 source points. I want to make this process faster. System, I will buy Source Absorption Technique 2.

Suddenly, I felt a more profound sensation throughout my misty body, similar to when I first acquired this technique. The information provided this time was much different and more advanced.

Now I am left with 654.2 source points. I felt poor again, like spending all my money to buy stocks for a better future—excited for the future but bitter about being poor in the present.

I need to collect source points for the next 12 days after absorbing today's source points and reaching the 500 source point limit. I was too excited to get a body back and cultivate like other cultivators. System, put me to sleep and wake me when the tiger wakes up.

On the 7th day, the tiger woke up and seemed to be going somewhere again. It seemed there were new intruders in the territory. I didn't want to leave as I had collected 4554.9 source points, I only needed to collect source points for an extra 5 days to finish my target for 7000 source points and I could get a cultivation body but still, I decided to go with the tiger, watch the fight, and then return to sleep.

As the tiger moved swiftly through the forest, I noticed that this tiger had gotten even more bigger and more formidable than before. It seems that its cultivation has increased. As we going Suddenly, the tiger stopped, its eyes fixed on something in the distance.

As the tiger was watching, suddenly three humans appeared in front of it. suddenly three humans appeared in front of it. I was suddenly surprised and excited to see humans.

As I watched them, I noticed they were armed with swords and bows, clearly prepared for a fight. The leader, a tall man with a scar across his face, stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he observed the tiger. I was getting bored of this forest and the tigers that only eat, fight, and cultivate. If humans are here, there must be a human settlement nearby. I could finally see some humans, so I decided to follow these humans, completely forgetting my plan to return and sleep to collect more source points.