
Lucas emerged from the bathroom, feeling slightly refreshed but still weary from the day's events. The breakthrough to the Flesh and Muscle Tempering realm had left him feeling both invigorated and exhausted. As he made his way back to his temporary room, he pondered the curious sensation of fatigue that plagued him.

Despite his immortality and the immense power, he had access to through the system, Lucas found himself needing rest, much like any ordinary human. This paradox puzzled him. Why should he, an immortal being, experience tiredness and the need for sleep?

He settled onto the simple bed in his room, the room's silence offered him a moment of peace. Lucas took a deep breath and decided to consult the system for clarification.

Lucas frowned, his curiosity piqued. But why do I feel tired if I am immortal? Isn't my body supposed to be beyond such constraints?

Lucas nodded, beginning to understand. So, even though I am immortal, the body I am using has its own limitations, such as needing sleep and rest?

After his conversation with the system, Lucas reclined on the bed, his mind brimming with thoughts of cultivation and the journey ahead. As he pondered, he gradually felt sleep.

The next day with the first rays of dawn Lucas woke up and decided to go down to the inn to eat something and meet fellow disciples. Lucas stood by the inn's hall, observing the scene that the sect's inn was already bustling with activity with the new recruits who stayed at the inn and with some sect recruits who didn't stay at the sect were there. some people have yet to come. As Lucas sat at the table, ready to order food, a sudden realization struck him. he had no money and was unfamiliar with the currency used in this world. so he turned to the system for assistance.

Lucas nodded, trying to grasp the currency system. He decided to ask if the system could create these coins.

1 source point = 100 bronze coins,

1 source point = 1 silver coin, and

100 source points = 1 gold coin>

Lucas calculated quickly in his mind. Given that he had 13,542.6 source points, he could convert them into the local currency with ease. He could obtain 1,354,260 bronze coins, 135,426 silver coins, or 135 gold coins if needed.

Lucas approached the inn's staff to place his order, but a glance at the menu caught his eye. The prices were startlingly low—rice with chicken soup was listed at just 3 bronze coins. Given that he could easily afford thousands of bronze coins, Lucas was initially taken aback by how inexpensive the food was.

He decided to order a hearty breakfast to start the day. As he placed his order, the staff nodded with polite efficiency and went to prepare the meal. Lucas took a seat at one of the tables, observing the bustling activity in the inn. Other new recruits and some sect members mingled, exchanging stories and preparing for the journey ahead. The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and nervous energy, with groups huddled together discussing their expectations and strategies.

While waiting for his food, Lucas decided to introduce himself to the two other candidates who had chosen to stay at the inn. He had met them briefly the previous day but hadn't had a chance to converse with them. As they sat at a nearby table, Lucas approached with a friendly smile.

"Good morning," Lucas greeted them. "I'm Lucas Yadav. I thought I'd take the chance to get to know you both before we set out for Azure Lotus City."

One of them, a tall young man with short, spiky hair and a confident demeanour, looked up and extended a hand. "I'm Rowan Stark. Nice to meet you, Lucas. This is my friend, Elaria Thorne."

The other candidate, a petite girl with a curious and warm expression, waved slightly. "Hi, I'm Elaria Thorne. It's nice to meet you too."

Lucas shook their hands and sat down and remembered Elaria she was someone with strong control over Earth Qi. He said "I heard we're all heading to Azure Lotus City together. What are your plans and goals once we get there?"

Rowan leaned back, a thoughtful look on his face. "I'm hoping to learn cool offensive martial arts. My family runs a modest general store in town, and I've been dreaming of joining the sect since my childhood and now I have finally fulfilled my dreams so my goal is to become a powerful cultivator, maybe even rise through the ranks of the sect."

Elaria nodded in agreement. "I'm interested in herbal medicine and alchemy. My grandmother used to work under some prominent alchemists in the city, and she passed down her knowledge to me. I hope to deepen my understanding of alchemical techniques and learn it and even contribute to the sect with my skills."

Lucas listened with interest, appreciating the diverse motivations and aspirations of his new peers. "It sounds like we all have our own paths and goals. I'm also excited to see what opportunities the sect offers and how I can further my cultivation."

Elaria tilted her head, curious. "So, Lucas, where are you from?"

Lucas hesitated for a moment before crafting a story. "I grew up in a small village nestled in a forest far from here. It's a place where people live simply and closely with nature." 

Just then, the staff returned with Lucas's breakfast. The simple meal was both filling and delicious, providing a much-needed boost of energy. As Lucas ate, he continued to chat with Rowan and Elaria, sharing stories and discussing their expectations for the journey and their time in Azure Lotus City.

After breakfast, Lucas asks the system to create 4 copper coins and put them in his pocket so people don't see coins coming out of nowhere. after taking money out of his pocket Lucas paid for 3 copper coin meals and 1 copper coin tip. after getting the tip the waiter was very happy and he thanked Lucas continuously. 

the group gathered outside the inn. Elder Rin, along with a few sect members, awaited them. The morning sun cast a warm light over the town and when everyone gathered Elder Rin decided to go away.

Elder Rin's presence was commanding, and he offered a reassuring smile to the new disciples.

"Good morning, everyone," Elder Rin said. "We're about to begin our journey to Azure Lotus City. Remember, the journey will be long and challenging, but it's an essential part of your path to becoming true disciples of the sect. Stay together, and follow our lead."

With a nod, the group set off, led by Elder Rin and the sect members. The journey was set to be a week-long trek through the rugged wilderness, and Lucas could already sense the excitement and trepidation in the air. As they moved along the path, the lush forests and towering mountains provided a stunning backdrop to their journey.