Successful Secret Infiltration (1)

Beer is broadly divided into two types:

'Lager' and 'Ale'.

To distinguish them in detail, lager uses bottom-fermenting yeast that settles at the bottom of the beer barrel, while ale uses top-fermenting yeast that floats to the surface, and so on.

However, there's an even simpler way to distinguish them:

If the beer is clear, savory, and refreshing, it's a lager. If it has a rich aroma, is cloudy, and has a heavy mouthfeel, it's an ale.

The oak barrel that Roil brought, the one I had infiltrated, contained ale.

True to ale's characteristics, the aroma is incredible.


A floral-like aroma filled my nostrils.

'I think I might get a little drunk...'

I was originally weak with alcohol.

It seems my constitution hasn't changed even after becoming a snake.

Fortunately, the beer's alcohol content is low. If it had been wine, I might have gotten drunk just from the smell.

"Endure it quietly."