Dawn and Dusk (1)

Continental Adventurer Alliance.

Abbreviated as CAA.

Previously known as the Continental Multinational Adventurer Alliance.

That would be abbreviated as CMAA.

Of course, not many fools call the Adventurer Alliance CAA or CMAA.

The Adventurer Alliance is a transnational organization, not limited to one country.

Naturally, adventurers themselves did not create this enormous information network and organization that spans continents.

Adventurers are even more individualistic than hunters.

Previously, adventurers only existed in scattered guilds, but now they have organized collectively.

They formed a continental-scale alliance because of the tacit approval and support of the Empire.

Various requests became known as quests, ranked and their rewards and reception strictly managed.

Accordingly, adventurers were also given ranks, and adventurer badges that serve as identification were created.