Press C to Hide (2)

Don't tell me they're taking me out from here.

I haven't collected anything yet!

"Ah, not that one yet."


"Yeah, checking the list, it goes out tomorrow. Leave it for now."

Fortunately, the servant put me back down.

Then they left with their loaded items.


They were saying I'd be moved out of this warehouse tomorrow.

That ruins my plan to become the Thief Prince Serpent after finishing evolution.

'What should I do!'

"What else? We can't leave that behind!"

Just as I had my heart set on the 'Alteard's Ceremonial Celadon'.

Pelerian also had something he absolutely needed to take.

It was a blank parchment scroll.


[Malphas' Parchment]


Unlike other items, it was practically buried in dust, neglected.

For good reason. It was just a yellowed parchment, and not even much of it.