Respect and Applaud More (1)

Crown of Connection!

A new crown skill obtained after becoming the Little Prince Serpent.

It was like requiring one evolution just to acquire a single skill.

Then, is the Crown of Connection that remarkable a skill?

Like the crowns of 'Domination', 'Steal', and 'Overcome'.

Shamefully, I wasn't properly utilizing my crown skills.

I'm using the Crown of Steal very well in various ways. How many skills have I gained with it?

But 'Domination' and 'Overcome' were different.

With Domination, I can't handle things that are smart and strong. Unless my power becomes extremely strong, there are limits to domination power.

The Crown of Overcome...

Honestly, its utility doesn't seem bad but I'm not good at using it.

First, consuming a lot of mana is the biggest problem.

I'm the style to use versatile skills like Invisible Hand at the right time and place.