The Small Giant's Elixir (1)

Finding corpses in the river is a common occurrence.

Most of the time, the bodies belong to homeless people or sick beggars.

So how does the Solion Impel Capital Security Force handle unidentified corpses?

They just carelessly stamp the paperwork and cremate them.

The body becomes ashes, and the ashes return to the river.

Corpses retrieved from the river return to the river.

Of course, some cases might involve crimes.

Like a drunk person falling to their death after a fight on the bridge.

Or someone killing their hated upstairs neighbor and throwing them in the river.

If the body is found intact, an investigation proceeds.

If not, they just process it as an unidentified person and cremate it.

Few people could criticize this practice.

The Capital Security Force isn't that large, and there are always murderously many cases.

Even Inspector Jabern is handling dozens of cases simultaneously.