
Reagan and Fenrir were waiting outside the room of the King and Queen. From inside the room, the screaming of the Queen can be heard and the shouts of a man ordering the midwives around. Hearing that Reagan sighed to himself while thinking 'Even though father hadn't allowed the appointment of Maesters in each lordly houses, the Maester from house Manderly is currently looking after the birth of my sister. His name was Garath, Maester Garath. He impressed my father with his medicinal knowledge as he treated Roose Bolton inside the prison and improve his condition for a month. But, Roose died while coughing up blood and gore, and after that Maester Garath cut opened Roose and declared that he died because he had mucus inside his lungs, which was a new kind of disease. Boy was dancing around after knowing that he found a new life threatening disease.'

"Arggg" Again, his mother's scream was heard, and Reagan sighed again 'The Bolton's have died out with Roose and Ramsey, there some bastards who claimed that they were sons of Roose, but sadly for them they were not. Well, father assigned a castellan in Dreadfort after Lord Umber, Mormont, Karstark and Reed found flayed men, women and childrens along with some dire wolves. They also found that Lord Bolton had been syphoning gold from tax that he had taken from small folk. Thanks to all these evidence, father striped the noble status of House Bolton and made them a small folk family, thanks to that the bastards who claimed that they were the sons of Roose went different ways. The small folk at Dreadfort were happy after knowing that Bolton house had been extinct with just their last members died at Winterfell.' Shaking his head he mumbled to himself "Well, all of that is over and with the birth of my sister, it's going to open a new chapter in the Kingdom of the North."

"Waaaa waaaaa." Hearing the cry of a babe, Reagan smiled and walked towards the door with Fenrir and entered the room without knocking.

Inside he saw the Mmaester checking upon his mother and saw two midwives cleaning his baby sister. Smiling at the wiggling baby, Reagan went and stood next to where his father was sitting. With one hand holding his wife's hand and with the other hand, he hugged his son while saying "You have a sister and you are a big brother. Aren't you excited?"

"Mmm. I'm going to let her ride Fenrir everytime." When Reagan said that, Brandon looked at Fenrir who was sitting on the floor, and he was already four foot tall when he's standing on all four. Shaking his head, Brandon said "Do as you see fit. But, she will be your responsibility while she's riding Fenrir."

"Okay." Reagan nodded his head and looking at his mother he asled "Mother, are you okay?"

Turning to him, Sarra said "I'm alright son. Thanks for asking. Hace you see your sister?"

"Nope." As soon as he said that, the midwives who were cleaning blood from the baby, gave the baby to the queen as they had finished cleaning her.

Cradling the baby, Sarra cooed at her and the baby snuggled closer to Sarra, knowing that this person would protect her. Still looking at her baby girl, Sarra said "Brandon, I named Reagan and I believe that it's your time name her."

Brandon looked lost in thought for a few seconds then as if lightning struck him, he looked at Sarra and said "How about Alys? Alys Stark?"

"A Nobel and dependable person in Old Tongue. I'm sure that she will be supporting Reagan when he rules the North." Sarra said as she lovingly ran her finger over the cheeks of Alys.

Sarra gave Alys to Brandon and she lied down on the bed and watched Brandon as he looked at Alys lovingly as he had looked at Reagan when he was born. Just like what he said to Reagan when he was born, Brandon whispered to Alys after kissing on her ceek "Your name is Alys Stark, first princess of the Kingdom of North."

Rocking for some time, Brandon watched his daughter in content knowing that she will grow into a loving, caring, dependable, beautiful and strong woman like her mother. Turning his head to the side, he saw Reagan looking eagerly at Alys with a smile on his face. Chuckling at his son's expression, Brandon asked "Do you want to hold her, Reagan?"

"Yeah. Can I hold her please?" Reagan asked back back eagerly.

Nodding his head, Brandon gave Alys to Reagan and watched as his son carefully holding his sister, making sure that she was comfortable.

Lowering his head, Reagan kissed her cheek and said "I'll protect you all my life. You are my little sister, I'll do anything to make you safe."

As he said that, Alys opened her eyes, showcasing the grey eyes of the Stark family to Reagan. He smiled as he saw her hand extending towards his face and rubbing his cheek with her tiny hand. From the side, Fenrir came and observed Alys for a bit and gave her a lick, which made her giggle for a second. Looking at Fenrir, Reagan said "You have to watch over when I'm not woth or okay?"

"Bow bow." Fenrir barked out in agreement, nodding at him, Reagan gave Alys back to his mother who had already extended her hands to take Alys into her hands.

Cradling Alys, Sarra said "Now you two need to go out. Let me and my daughter sleep, we are tired."

"Alright. It's time for us to leave champ." Saying so Brandon picked up Reagan and went out of the room with Fenrir following them.

As soon as they were out of the room, Brandon found the Maester waiting for them outside, so he told the Maester "Thanks for your help, Maester. You will be rewarded for the service you have done to my family, after that you can leave to White Harbor."

"Thank you my King, but I'm here for not the reward but to enquire something. If you could answer that would be helpful." The Maester asked and seeing that Brandon gave permission to speak, he asked "My King, did the queen eat anything special before the labour?"

"No, why do you ask?" Brandon asked him.

"Well, normally women would cry out in pain during childbirth, but the Queen didn't have that much pain and she was even alright after the birth, so I'm need understand why she is alright." The Maester said.

Shaking his head, Brandon said "There was nothing like that. She's a strong woman, that's all. You can leave now."

"As you say my King." Saying that the Maester left them alone.

Shaking his head, Brandon went to his Solar with his son and Fenrir. Reaching there, first thing he did was assign a group of guards to be around Sarra and Alys when he is not around. Seeing that his father was doing his work, Reagan asked him "Father, what are you doing?"

"Assigning some guards for your sister and mother." Brandon replied.

"Father, why don't we create a group of guards that are specialized in protecting the Royal Family." Reagan asked.

Putting down his work, Brandon asked "What are you on about?"

"You know, like Fenrir. How about we find some dire wolves and tane them? One for father, one for mother and one for Alys." Reagan asked, with the intention of making those dire wolves be similar like his Fenrir.

"I like that idea. Fenrir had protected you in times where the guards failed. If we can find a dire wolf that can be tamed, then I'm ready to implement your idea." Brandon said as he looked at Fenrir who was laying on the floor next to Reagan.

"Thanks father, I'll be back." Shouting out, Reagan jumped down from his seat and ran to the door. Brandon looked confused and asked as he opened the door for Reagan "Where are you going?"

"To find a dire wolf or a pack of them. Cone on Fenrir, let's go boy!" Before Brandon could register what was happening, Fenrir picked up Reagan while biting his collar and took off from the room at his maximum speed.

"Oh shit! I'm going to be scolded!" Mumbling to himself, he looked at the flabbergasted guards and barked out "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? FOLLOW HIM!"