Chapter 35: Jaqi

"Hello there fellow Aspirant," she smiled like a shimmering light reflected from the gentle waves of the sea from the sun. Looking directly at the reflection, some of it has this blinding effect, however, the overall scenery was splendid.

She was the sun.

"Uh, hi?" Lance awkwardly asked, almost as softly that the intended receiver did not hear.

"Mari, this guy is a newly promoted Scientist!" the girl said to the Assessor, ignoring Lance's greetings, as she ambled close to them. "improve your tonality!"

"Ah..yes..yes.. I am sori Ms. Jaqi," the assessor stuttered. She had the immense respect for Lance's fellow aspirant. She seemed to be the same age as him, 16 years of age, but surprisingly, she managed to reprimand a mid-classer Desker.