
"Jasper, what is the highest Intelligence grade there is?" Lance asked while going outside the SARS building.

"Intelligence grade levels depend on the courses you finished. The highest level is Intelligence grade level thirty. These are the capabilities of Industrialists level. You will not become such a level if you do not reach level 15." Jasper answered.


[Currency] 13,800 units

[Recent Transaction] paid 3,000 units for the Mechanic Tier Registration

[To-do list]

[1] Finish Specialized course for Masterworks Energy sources

[2] Acquire the needed materials for Ultragenerator

[3] Build the Ultragenerator

[Side jobs]

[1] In-vitro project with Jaqi.

[2] Recreate Zelkian Farming – pending

[3] Pending Tyllrium trade

[4] Market poison bombs

[Pending missions]