A few minutes later, they came in front of a cave. Ray looked around and said " isn't it the sheep clan's house?" Fiyana nodded and Ray confusedly asked " are we coming to get some clothes?" Then suddenly Ray looked at fiyana in a disbelief and said " Fiyana I am telling you, I don't need any new clothes, I already have my winter clothes" Fiyana at him in a annoying look and said " just shut up and follow me" . Fiyana then walk inside the cave and Ray just quitly followed her.
Fiyana came to their main cave and saw Shin there. Fiyana smiled and said in a friendly tone" hello Shin, how are you?" Shin looked at fiyana then smiled and said "ohh , Fiyana,I am fine, what about you?" Fiyana smiled and said " I am fine too" then Fiyana looked beside her and found Ray was looking around the room. Fiyana hold his hand and pulled him closed to her. Ray looked at her, there was a confusion in his eyes. Fiyana smiled at his cute expression. Then she looked at shin and said in a proud voice " here meet my mate ,Ray" Shin looked at Ray and said " hello" Ray nodded and said in a low voice " hello".
Shin again looked at fiyana and asked " so, tell me, what can I help you?" Fiyana smiled and said " I actually want to buy some winter clothes for him" Shin smile and said " hmm, please sit down and I will come in a minute" Fiyana nodded and Shin went to the inside cave.
Fiyana Sat down on a stone then Ray came closer to her and sat next to her. Ray hold her hand and brought his face in front of her. Fiyana looked at him and saw he was making some pappy eyes. Fiyana wanted to laughed so badly but she stopped that by biting her lips. Fiyana cough and asked " what?" She tried to be serious but there was a hint of a laugh in her voice.
Ray smiled sweetly and said in soft seductive voice " wifey" Fiyana almost choked and looked at Ray with a widened eyes then asked in a curiosity " what?" Ray smiled and said in a low voice " Fiyana, I don't need any winter clothes, I already have some, all I need to do is go to my mother's house and bring them back" Fiyana now was started to get angry again and Ray said in a sweet voice " no please, don't get angry, lesson to me, we only have some stone left and we still didn't earn any stone that we are going to waste them on unnecessary things " Fiyana got a little angry and said" it's not something unnecessary and I am not wasting any stone, you got it?".
Ray sighed and said" okay, I got it then how about we buy some clothes after we earned our first stone " Fiyana looked at him in a suspicious eyes then smiled and said" hmm, that's a good idea " Ray smiled happily and fiyana said" okay, I will buy you some clothes when we will get our first stone but for now we should buy your winter clothes, I will buy you a fancy clothes later,okay?" Ray smiled dropped and at that time Shin came with some winter clothes.
Shin placed those clothes in front of them and fiyana started to looking at those fluffy animal's skin clothes.
Suddenly Fiyana's eyes fell on a beautiful orange cloth. Fiyana pointed at that cloth and said " which clothes are those?" Shin smiled and took that cloth in her hands and gave it to fiyana then said " ohh, this was made by fox wool's, they are pretty and warm" Fiyana nodded and started to looked at that cloth carefully. That cloth was really beautiful and fiyana really like it but that cloth was short. She needs a cloth that long from Ray's shoulder to his feet.
Fiyana sighed and said" it's indeed beautiful but I need a cloth that cover his knee or longer than that " Shin nodded and brought Three clothes in front of her. Fiyana took a cloth in her hands and thought ' maybe it's from bear's skin ' . Then she looked at those clothes there in three colors white, black and brown. Fiyana took the white one in her hands then call Ray and said" Ray wear this one, I want to see,is it long enough ?" Ray nodded and wear that white shoulder coat. Fiyana looked at him and found it's long enough to cover his toes. Then she looked at Shin and asked" okay, how much is this cloth?" Shin said" ohh, only one blue stone " Fiyana looked at Ray and saw that cloth are perfect for him then she looked at shin and said" okay, I am taking this white one and here your's one blue stone " Shin smile and took that stone.
Fiyana nodded and said" Ray let's go " Ray was about to took off that cloth but Fiyana stopped him and said" no, don't take it off, wear it, it's cold outside " Ray nodded and then again wear it properly. Then they both went outside of the cave.
Fiyana count her stone and saw she has four green, ninety six blue, ninety five red stone left. Fiyana then thought something then looked at Ray and said" you wait here,I will come in a minute, okay?" Ray nodded and Fiyana went inside the cave again.