In the high-stakes world of fashion, Alex Parker and Blake Carter are two prominent figures whose past rivalry threatens to derail a major new project. Both successful in their own right—Alex as a sharp-witted creative director and Blake as a charismatic designer—their lives intersect under unexpected circumstances when a scandalous night together becomes headline news.
The novel opens with the Fashion Icons Gala, where Alex and Blake’s long-standing enmity surfaces. A heated argument at the event culminates in an alcohol-fueled night that neither of them anticipated. The next morning, they awaken in a hotel room, the aftermath of their passionate encounter a source of both confusion and tension.
As the media frenzy over their scandal intensifies, Alex and Blake are forced to confront their unresolved issues while working together on a high-profile project. Their dynamic is further complicated by their shared history as old schoolmates and their differing artistic visions. The project’s pressure mounts, pushing them to navigate a volatile mix of personal and professional challenges.
Amidst the chaos, the novel delves into the complexities of their evolving relationship. Alex’s PR manager, Julia Carter, and Blake’s project manager, Eric Thompson, play key roles in managing public perception and keeping the project on track. Their interactions with Alex and Blake highlight the impact of the scandal on their professional reputations and personal lives.
As the project progresses, moments of vulnerability and honesty emerge, revealing the depth of Alex and Blake’s feelings for each other. Through heated debates, unexpected alliances, and shared experiences, they begin to reconcile their past with their present. The story weaves a rich tapestry of romance, rivalry, and self-discovery, ultimately exploring whether they can overcome their differences and find common ground??
ni e book nice book nice book nice book nice
eetez3jhehhrjehehehehehehehevdcevevr r rbeheg
it's pretty good :>>>>>>>>would recommend
i really like this novel very interesting
sorry just doing it for free fp didn't read it
Interesting ...........................✨
me atrapó desde el comienzo quisiera que tuviera más capitulos
Fast passssssss sjxkskxhzhjzjsjsnxjxuxjzjzjz
i love ❤❤❤❤ the story, more chapter please
It's a great book! Hope it will get updated soon.
Nice book. Want more more more chapters