Éveilleur University

In life, all Yanah wanted is a stable, comfortable, worry-free life. The type of life where she can spend money all she wants and not worry about emptying her bank account or spending so much knowing there is money going in her account.

Yanah did not want her life disturbed. Yet life is so fickle with her. It wants to fuck her up so badly. Bye, normal and unbothered life.

Yanah moved deliberately, each motion unhurried, as if she's trying to savor the last moments in this space.

Her hands linger over every item, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she picks up a framed photo from the desk.

Yanah tracesd the edges of the frame with her fingertips before carefully wrapping it in a piece of cloth and placing it into her bag.

Her movements are methodical, almost ritualistic. A small stack of notebooks is next, each one well-worn with use, she tucks it away, making sure it's snug against the side of the bag.

Finally, having all the important things on her bag, Yanah pulls the zipper closed, the sound unusually loud in the stillness of the room.

She straightens up, taking one last look around, her eyes sweeping over the now-empty space that once held so much of her daily life.

Yanah's shoulders rise and fall in a deep breath before she lifts the bag, slinging it over her shoulder. She lingers for a heartbeat longer, then turns to leave, her steps slow and measured, as if reluctant to cross the threshold into whatever comes next.

But no matter how slow she move, take a small step, and stall for time, she still needs to go outside. Someone is waiting for her there.

'They said they would protect me. But what a troublesome and to-the-top protection this is.' Yannah internally grumbled as she departed from her apartment building and was escorted to the car by the same Esper who sent her home yesterday.

Mr. Jekiel was an Omega Esper, a famous one at that. Yannah might not be up-to-date to Awakener's news but even she knew this Esper.

He was the omega prince of House Lumien and awakened as an Esper when he was 15. He has a powerful earth ability and therefore, a Capricorn.

Yannah glanced at her peripheral vision. The silent Esper whose eyes are staring straight at the road was the same as yesterday, so quiet. Jekiel was one of the most authoritative Esper figure in the Awakener's Guild.

To think that such a man is her escort means that her security is guaranteed, that is, until she gets to that University.

The Awakener's Guild did wants to protect her, but they did so by transferring her from Yire University to the prestigious Éveilleur University.

If someone were to ask Yannah what the difference between the two universities are, she would answer with certainty: Yire University, calm and ordinary; Éveilleur University, chaotic and problematic!

Éveilleur University is a university controlled by both the government and the Awakener's Guild. It nurtures Espers and Guides so that they can quell and control their own energies.

It was prestigious because a lot of big shot Espers and good Guides came from it for generations.

'But so what?'

Yannah has a very bad impression of this place, solely because it was also the university with the most debauchery around. She has not personally seen it but rumors are aplenty, and some are with credibility in their sources.

Yannah doesn't know much but placing Espers with violent energies waiting to be released and the Guides who can control them so near?

It's like porn waiting to start (and definitely will start).

Yannah wasn't sure how she was going to adapt to such a place.

"We're here." Mr. Jekiel's good voice snapped Yannah away from her wandering thoughts and she turned her gaze outside the window.

The Éveilleur University's gate stood tall and majestic, a masterpiece of wrought iron and gilded accents that shimmered in the sunlight.

Intricate patterns of vines and scrolls wove through the metalwork, forming a grand arch that framed the entrance. The university's emblem, a symbol of knowledge and prestige, was elegantly inscribed in gold at the center, catching Yannah's eyes with its timeless beauty.

Stone pillars flanked the gate, each crowned with a lantern that added an air of old-world charm, casting a warm glow at dusk.

As their car passed through the gate, the view opened to reveal a breathtaking garden stretching out on either side of the path.

Manicured lawns rolled gently beneath ancient oak trees, their leaves whispering softly in the breeze. Flowerbeds burst with color, a symphony of roses, tulips, and daffodils that lined the way like nature's own welcoming committee.

Fountains bubbled serenely, their crystal-clear water catching the light in a dazzling display.

The car glided slowly down the path, the scent of fresh blossoms wafting through the open window, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly mown grass.

If Yannah didn't know any better, she would have thought she entered a rich person's garden and not a university.

'Hmmm... Wait, is there any difference?' Yannah thoughts simply wandered while looking at the gorgeous scenery.

It took a long half an hour before she saw a vague outline of a building.

The building she saw is an imposing structure that dominates its surroundings, exuding both historical grandeur and modern innovation. It was as if historical and modern beauty got combined.

The façade is crafted from aged stone, its surface weathered by time, giving it a sense of enduring strength and tradition. Ivy vines snake up the walls, softening the harsh lines of the stonework with a touch of nature's resilience.

Large, arched windows punctuate the exterior, their glass panes reflecting the light with an almost crystalline clarity.

Despite the building's antiquated appearance, the windows are equipped with cutting-edge smart technology, automatically adjusting to the intensity of the sunlight to maintain an optimal environment inside.

The entrance is marked by a massive, intricately carved wooden door, bound with sleek, polished metal accents that hint at the building's hidden technological advancements.

Above the door, a grand clock tower rises, its face a blend of classical design and digital display, seamlessly merging past and future.

Yannah entered this breath-taking door and was guided by Mr. Jekiel inside.

Inside, the hallways are lined with dark wood paneling, rich with the scent of aged mahogany, but the floors are smooth, polished concrete with embedded LED pathways that subtly guide students and faculty to their destinations.

High ceilings are adorned with ornate moldings, but between these details, state-of-the-art lighting fixtures cast an even, soft glow, adaptable to different times of day or events.

In the central atrium, a grand staircase spirals upwards, its steps made from polished marble, while a transparent elevator shaft of glass and steel runs alongside it, a testament to the blend of old-world craftsmanship and contemporary engineering.

The walls of the atrium are adorned with portraits of distinguished alumni, but each frame is equipped with an interactive display, allowing visitors to learn about the achievements of those depicted with just a touch.

The classrooms and lecture halls maintain a similar dichotomy. Heavy wooden desks are equipped with built-in, retractable holographic displays, allowing for an immersive educational experience.

The chalkboards are replaced by touch-sensitive screens that retain the nostalgic look of chalk but can switch to full-color displays with the flick of a wrist.

This building, with its harmonious blend of history and futurism, stands as a symbol of the university's commitment to honoring tradition while pioneering new frontiers of knowledge and technology. The prestigious Éveilleur University of Espers and Guides.

Yannah can't help but give out a sigh at the university's learning environment. 'Okay, this looks fine, extremely fine.'


Jekiel subtly guided the unsuspecting Guide around the important places of the university, showing her the best out of all the country.

'She was unwilling to transfer.' Jekiel was very clear about that since he saw the girl's sulking face when she was told to.

'But that unwillingness will be gone soon.' Jekiel slightly glanced back, and soon, a small arch is in the corner of his lips.