
While Yanah was peacefully napping on the William Dorm's living room sofa, Quinn was on his way back to the dorm with a bloodied uniform.

Earlier, Quinn was practicing for a practical battle for the next class when a D-class crack formed just outside the Training Building.

As he was the most high-ranking awakener nearest at the crack, Quinn didn't opt to call for his mates or the other instructors, and instead used the chance to sneak off alone in the crack to finish it.

Since he was an S-Class Telepathic, it was a total slaughter on the monsters side. None was left alive when his whip reach the monsters bodies.

And most like other dungeons, monsters blood would inevitably dirty his clean uniform.

After 30 minutes of warm-up and destroying the crack's core, Quinn was faced with the instructor whose class he missed and got a thorough scolding. And then got sent to the dorms to clean himself off.

"Stupid instructor. Didn't he know I was preparing for his class? He should thank me for clearing that crack too." Quinn grumbled, his hazel eyes full of grievance. He would tell that instructor to Zed for sure... Or not.

Quinn forgo his thoughts on complaining to Zed. 'That man would probably scold me too.'

Quinn puffed his cheeks and his steps became faster, planning to take the gooey and sticky green blood out his body with a warm shower in the dormitory.

Arriving on the Dorm's door, his steps paused. Quinn's nerve became taunt at the unfamiliar presence he sensed inside. It was not of his mates nor the assistant assigned on their dorm. It was a stranger.

Quinn's alpha pheromones burst out and he opened the door with a glare, his eyes searching for the stranger's figure.

'A fucking stranger dares to intrude our territory?!' Quinn's right hand went to the whip in his waist, planning to attack the bastard who dares to come in their dorm without their permission.

On the living room, he heard a small breath of a sleeping person in one of the sofas. 'The audacity to sleep here too.'

Quinn's irritability rose, his discomfort from the green blood staining his uniform and the grievance from the scolding earlier making his mood volatile. Adding the audacity of the stranger intruding their living room, Quinn's energy slowly became violent.

He slowly approach the stranger, his whip in hand ready to slam down the bastard awake.

Laying his hazel eyes on the stranger, his actions halted.

The stranger, a delicate woman, rests peacefully on the sleek light black sofa, her fair skin softly illuminated by the gentle light filtering through the ceiling light.

Her long black hair cascaded around her like a dark, flowing river, contrasting beautifully with the tone of the sofa. Her breathing is slow and rhythmic, and her relaxed posture exudes a tranquil grace, embodying a sense of calm and contentment.

Then, a scent so enchanting entered his nose. The stranger's pheromones. A pheromone reminiscent of the smell of vanilla and chocolate puff cream. It has a delightful and inviting aroma.

The vanilla scent is warm and sweet, with a creamy, slightly floral note that evokes a sense of comforting indulgence. And the chocolate aroma adds a rich, deep, and slightly bitter undertone, reminiscent of high-quality cocoa.

Together, they blend into a harmonious, mouth-watering fragrance that combines the comforting sweetness of vanilla with the decadent richness of chocolate, creating an enticing and cozy pheromone.

'An omega? What is an omega doing here?' Quinn's hand holding the whip lowered but the frown in his handsome face didn't recede.

The Awakeners in the University knew that the William Dormitory is the territory of their pack, and most omegas will avoid this place out of fear of starting their heat upon the sniff of their overbearing alpha pheromones.

'So how come this one is peacefully sleeping here? Didn't she smell our pheromones around? Is this omega the type who wants to be laid with a strong alpha? Few have that courage.' Quinn tilted his head, subconsciously releasing his frown.

'She doesn't look like that type though.'

Quinn curiously reached out a finger to poke the woman's arm. Suddenly, he felt a sudden, tingling sensation that jolted through his skin, akin to a gentle static shock. His finger subconsciously left her skin and curled.

Quinn stared at his finger. That feeling was electrifying, but not unlike the touch of his mates that made him crave their cocks. This one...feels like it was reaching out to his soul.

It was invigorating and energizing, creating a rush of excitement that travels from the point of contact, making his skin feel alive and buzzing with a heightened sense of alertness.

Alongside that beautiful sensation, at that short skin contact, a powerful and calming energy shortly traveled his skin, slightly relieving him of his violent energy and giving him a moment of total clarity.

'This state... She's the guide. Yanah Franshire.' Quinn then realized that Zed was successful with his negotiation with the Dean, because the SSS-Guide they so desire is sleeping on their living room's sofa right now.

'She's worthy of being an SSS-class Guide. A short touch of a finger on her skin is more than enough to subdue that much violent energy.' Quinn stared at the woman for a long time before smelling the foul smell of monster blood on his body.

'Tsk.' He clicked his tongue and glanced at the peaceful, sleeping woman. "I'll be back."

Quinn muttered in a soft, low voice before going upstairs.


Done getting rid of the rotten scent and changing in a clean set of white t-shirt and black sweatpants, Quinn immediately went to the living room and found the little treasure still sleeping.

"Just how careless are you?" Quinn squatted and stared at the woman's sleeping face, his face inching closer by the second.

When his face was just a thumb away from hers, a familiar faded smell of lavender came to his sensitive nose.

"Oh, so that's why." Quinn finally found the cause on why the woman was still peacefully asleep despite his and his mates alpha pheromones wafting around the dorm.

It was the Dean's ability affecting her.

The Éveilleur's Dean, Coleen Kime, is an S-Class guide who has the ability to infuse her Guide powers to her pheromones.

Her lavender pheromones are famous for calming down rampaging Espers lower than her class.

The Dean's ability was interesting but what is fascinating about it was the effect it has to the Omegas.

Those omegas who smell the Dean's pheromones has gain the ability to ignore Alpha pheromones, no matter the power, for a short period of time.

"I wonder how you'll react when you smell our pheromones." Quinn rested his head on his folded hands, staring at her closed eyes.

'It's weird that I want her to like my pheromones.' Quinn's hazel eyes shined when he suddenly thought of an idea.

"There still a remnant violent energy on me, so I might need to borrow you for a while." Quinn happily smiled as he carried the sleeping woman on his arms like a princess, before proceeding upstairs to his room.