He Who Desires What Is Above The Heavens

They were back to square one, how would they ever get rid of the Drakons if the only way to save the village or most likely the world was to sacrifice the village itself?

Tunlop's excitement collapsed instantly, he knew the choice he was making by returning the diamond back to the temple. "It's my greatest failure as the chief, being unable to save my people. If you knew what lies within that temple, you'll know I have no choice." He said with a heavy voice realizing the consequences would be imminent.

"Hmph, don't worry chief." Hinata proclaimed, forcing Tunlop to stare at her with surprise. She smiled radiantly despite the situation they were faced with.

"I came here on this quest because your village needed help, so I won't stop no matter what it takes till the village is safe." She added, displaying her unyielding determination.

Weaving a soft smile on his face, Tunlop rose to his feet and stared up at the ceiling. "The gods truly were with us the moment the Dancing Phoenix came here, I realize that now." He thought.

"So let's go save your village chief, together." The situation was dire but the atmosphere around him lacked the severe tension, Tunlop came to realize that indeed whenever there is will there will always be a way. And whenever there's a way, there is hope.

"Alright, let's go." He said clutching the box tightly in his hands. "Can you check on Raymond before we leave Reo?" His grandfather insisted, with nobody to guard the villagers as they leave, he wanted to ensure his other grandson's safety.

"Oh, su-"

"I'll do it!" Hinata exclaimed, she absolutely loved children, they were a mixture of angels and demons. They were troublesome as well as they were lovely and sweet. Swiftly, she rushed into the room Raymond was recuperating in.

"They might not look like it, but the Dancing Phoenix is one hell of a magic guild." Tunlop spoke with a smile on his face, he could imagine a bright future for Hinata as a powerful mage.

"Yeah..." With a dark and ominous voice, Reo spoke as his attitude and aura changed completely as he approached his grandfather.

"Reo?" His grandfather called out to him noticing the sudden change in his body language and movements. "Is something wron-"


"Damn it! There's no end to them!" Renji exclaimed as he scaled through numerous rooftops with the Drakons hot on his trail. A total of 30-40 Drakons if not more or less hunted him down.

"Almost! Almost!" He exclaimed within his thoughts as the route he took through the rooftops lead to the exit of the village where he lured them to.

With a powerful thrust, one of the Drakons launched itself at him instantly extending it's poisonous claws at his back as it roared loudly.

"!!!" Visibly alarmed, Renji propelled himself through the gates of the village just before it's claws could touch him.

"That was close!" He exclaimed as he ran further away from the village with the Drakons still in a hot pursuit. Upon covering quite a distance between him and the village, he smirked before turning around instantly to face the multiple Drakons that desired his flesh.

"Now that we're away from the village, I don't need to hold back anymore."


He slammed his two palms against each other the moment the Drakons came in close contact with him.

"Secret Art: Wind Binding Technique!"

For a few moments, the wind surrounding the whole environment stopped circulating. Instantly, all the wind circulating the environment within a 70 meter radius rushed towards the Drakons like a tsunami from all respective sides and angles. They became bound by the immense wind pressure that colided with them from all sides, unable to move an inch.

This was the secret art of Renji, the ability to summon the wind within a specific range and use it against his opponent as a binding mechanism.

"Now then.." Now that the Drakons were unable to move, it was time to strike. He leaped into the air above the Drakons and took a deep breath, gathering wind magic within his stomach. "Wind Magic..."

Although unmentioned by the system, his spell [Wind Dragon Blast] could be used in variations, it all depended on how Renji decided to evolve this ability.

He emitted a massive blast of wind from his mouth at the bounded Drakons below him and it assumed the shape of a dragon. Instantly, he released another blast of wind that assumed the shape of another dragon which fused together with the first wind dragon.

The fusion caused a spiralling effect which affected the momentum, speed and power of the spell.

"Secret Art: Spiralling Wind Dragon Blast!"


A minor explosion became the end result of the spell as eradicated the Drakons swiftly on the spot as it was powerful enough to snap off their necks due to its rotation, giving rise to a large cloud of dust right outside the village.

[You have defeated all enemies!]

[You have gained a new ability!]

[You have obtained quest rewards!]


Landing on his two feet, Renji panted softly. He felt a portion of his magic diminish after releasing such a powerful spell. As the dust settled, a medium sized crater measuring up to 10 feet deep was what remained of the Drakons.

"Man... That took a lot out of me." He sighed, stretching his hands outwards in slight exhaustion.

"Oh my oh my." A deep distorted femine voice spoke from the trees that surrounded Renji.

"What!?" Renji turned around instantly, alarmed by what he had just heard. Whatever made that sound was clearly not human. "Who's there!?" He added.

"I did not account for a human who could actually beat one of my babies in a one on one battle but it appears you did and not just to one of them, to several of my babies." The distorted feminine voice continued speaking as Renji could hear it's footsteps coming from the trees.

"That being said, I'm not so certain if you are a human." The distorted voice was revealed to be a giant green lizard with a muscular build. It possessed the same similarities as a Drakon, the clear difference was in it's size, it's longer and more poisonous claws and more importantly it could speak.

"W-what the hell are you?" Renji stammered with his wavering eyes, he could feel the overwhelming presence this being possessed.


Back at the bunker, Hinata hurried back swiftly to Reo and his grandfather after tucking Raymond to bed. "Alright we are all...set." Her happiness was short-lived by what she saw next.

"C-chief?" She stammered with wavering eyes as Tunlop laid on the ground with blood overflowing from his body and a empty box laying besides him. Standing above him with a sword covered in blood in hand was Reo whose eyes displayed his silent anger.

"Where is the stone? Hinata." He demanded with a cold and dark voice which sent chills down her spine.