Farewell, Daiki, Renji! Till Next We Meet Again!

"Secret Flame Art: Revolving Wing Beat Of The Dragon!"

His flames crackled loudly as he dashed forward instantly, moving at a speed that made the flames around his body appear as an illuminating light that radiated through the streets.

With a forceful punch, a crack appeared on the chest plate of Nitch's body armor before spreading through the whole armor. Applying more pressure with one thrust, he completely shattered the earth armor cladding Nitch's body and propelled him backwards with his fist.

"I-Impossible!" He shouted as his back crashed into the ground several times before his momentum was stopped by the building he was blown towards. Soon enough, he lost consciousness as he was completely overwhelmed by Daiki's spell.

An uproar of happiness emerged from his defeat, the neighbors and inhabitants of the streets cheered loudly at the Syndicate's defeat.