Getting Remi in trouble

After classes were done for the day, Remi insisted on starting the tutoring right away. Seeing that Drew was hesitant about it, she grabbed his hand and dragged him away towards the school gate. Unknown to them, someone had taken a picture of Remi holding Drew's hand and posted it on a group chat from her class, soon the picture went viral. The comments that were dominating over all others leaned on two sides, one side was condemning Remi's unruly behaviours towards Drew while the other side commended her rare but bold behaviour towards the boy they thought she likes.

In class 6C some students had remained behind to chat while others were helping each other with school work.

At the very back of the classroom, a lonely figure of a busty girl could be seen frowning in displeasure while looking at the phone in her hand. Standing a meter away was a slender girl who kept on looking at her displeased friend while fidgeting. After hesitating for a long time, she finally gathered her courage and walked towards her.

"Myrtle, should...shouldn't we get going?" She asked nervously.

"Don't tell me what to do Becky!, l still have something more important to do. Don't follow me, wait for me here" Myrtle said without looking away from her phone.

Filled with curiosity, Rabecca craned her neck to take a look, Myrtle immediately placed her phone into her bag before getting up and leaving the classroom.

Rabecca just stood there puzzled.

'is that a picture of Remi holding the new boy's hand? Is that why she had been so weird the whole day?'

She shook her head in anger, whenever Myrtle was in a bad mood she always vents it out on her as if it's her fault and she couldn't even retaliate or she'll get beaten by her aunt.

Thinking that Myrtle was up to no good again, her old wounds suddenly started to ache, as if preparing themselves for a new beating later. She gently touched the long scar that ran across her face in resentment.

'She always does things without thinking them through and if something goes wrong, Aunty blames me for not taking care of her properly!' She silently prayed that Myrtle wasn't about to do something stupid again.

Myrtle was from a relatively wealthy family and her family worked in the clothing industry. When she was young her parents would design clothes and make her model them and post her pictures on social platforms. Being a cute child model, people naturally loved her, her parents also being clever people used this opportunity to boost their business further and it worked for many years.

As an only child, her parents pampered her and gave her everything she wanted, she never had to fight anyone for it and never learnt to share or give it up. But after her dad's only sibling died in a car crash along with her husband, Rabbeca was taken in and joined the family causing some changes Myrtle wasn't happy with.

As a girl in her puberty phase, her chest started growing and she started developing acne, no matter what she applied it never worked and only made it worse for her. Because of this, their booming business slowly started to decline, when her father decided to replace Myrtle with the Pretty Rabecca to model Myrtle snapped. When he suggested hiring other models, she still snapped at him, therefore he never hired any models for modelling causing their once booming clothing empire to slowly deteriorate.

Ever since then, Myrtle hated the sight of any beautiful girl and If it was within her capabilities she would disfigure them, just like she did with Rabecca.

So why did that plain girl Remi dare to compete with her for the boy she had set her sights on, did she think she was worthy? why did she get to be born in a wealthy family, did she deserve it?

Now that she knew Remi had done something to Jordan and his friends, Myrtle had decided to snitch on her and get her in trouble.

'it will be better if she has killed them' she thought.

With Remi in jail, she wouldn't have to see that fancy car come drop her off everyday and without Jordan hindering her, she could make that pretty boy hers.

Since Myrtle had run away before Drew's guards arrived, she had no idea about Drew's status.

She didn't fear that her plan would fail even if Remi was from a wealthy family for two reasons, one Remi was unwanted and there was a possibility that once in trouble, her family would give her up without a fight. And two because of the principal's younger brother, it was rumoured that he was a fearless man from the army who only took on cases against wealthy figures. No matter how much money he was given as a bribe or to drop the case he never accepted it, only taking on cases against rich people for the sake of justice.

With a smile on her face Myrtle arrived at her destination, looking at the wooden door with the words 'Principal's office' on it, she grinned widely.

'You pushed me to do this Remi, hmph! Don't blame me for being ruthless when you are busy hogging what's mine'

Placing her hand on the door, she gently knocked on it.

"Come in" the principal's voice could be heard coming from inside.

Myrtle entered and closed the door behind her.

The principal was an old man with white hair but was also known for his bad temper. Seeing the young girl looking nervous and just standing there, he got impatient.

"If you aren't going to say anything then get out, do you expect me to coax you to speak?" he said in annoyance as if not talking to a student.

" see...I have some information about the three missing students. But i'm afraid I'll get in trouble if l disclose the information." Myrtle said as she pretended to be afraid.

The principle being an old man who had met all kinds of people naturally did not fall for such a bad performance. Since she was so pretentious, he would've chased her out of his office immediately if she wasn't bearing such important news.

"Since the information you have concerns the very lives of my students, I'll naturally protect you if there's any repercussions" he said flatly.

Hearing this, Myrtle felt very happy on the inside. No matter how wealthy Remi's family was, the Principal's brother wouldn't care.

'retribution at last!'


Meanwhile, Remi had reached the Wellington's mansion, she gladly got out of the car without waiting for the bodyguards to open it for her. She felt relieved to get some breathing space, those guards had been staring at her the whole way making her feel annoyed.

What evil intentions could a 15 years old girl have? Drew was her brother and she's the one who had hired half of them for God's sake! But of course they didn't know that, putting the annoyance aside, she was quite happy they were so strict with Drew's safety.

Looking around, Remi felt nostalgic, everything was just as he had left it, nothing had changed, as if he had never left or he had never really existed at all.

As she and Drew walked inside, the guards all stopped at the entrance, only Rowan continued to follow them 2 metres behind. The servants all looked at her and Drew with undisguised disgust, looking at the timid Drew she felt her heart ache.

'of course they would dare, without me around they seem to have forgotten who's the master and who's the servant'

As they reached Mr Wellington's study room, Drew nervously knocked on the door.

"Father, I've brought someone to teach me, l was wondering if l can make her my personal tutor" Drew said.

There was a moment of silence before the sound of footstep resonated on the floor then the door clicked open. As Magnus alighted from the study room, he looked at Rowan coldly then at Drew indifferently, when his gaze landed on Remi his expression darkened.

"You....are Astrid's daughter" He said in surprise.