Remi vs Rowan

After Remi received Rowan's number, she excused herself from detective Carson's presence and went outside to make a call. Fearing that she might not be able to handle the pressure of the charges against her and end up doing something reckless, the detective followed four meters behind her.

Once out, Remi tried calling Rowan but she was cut off every time before it connected, remembering that Rowan never answered strange numbers, she made a call to Drew who gave Rowan the okay sign. When she called again he answered.

"What?" He asked coldly.

"I will be detained by the police soon because of how you dealt with those kids, you better come and clear my name right now" she didn't stand on ceremony and replied coldly too.

Rowan was slightly stunned before replying "You aren't the boss of me, don't get ahead of yourself"

Remi almost screamed 'of course l am!'

But before she could respond, Rowan hung up.

"This bastard!" She felt so infuriated.

When she turned around she saw detective Carson walking over, she only hoped that he didn't hear anything she said.

"Are you done? It's time to go" he said.

Remi just nodded before getting back inside to change her clothes, only to find that she was in her pyjamas when she was brought to the hospital.

Upon returning to the detective she said "I can't go with you in my pyjamas"

"You'll be in the car, no one will see you" he said flatly, still a little amazed at how she was so calm about everything.

Not long after getting into the car, the detective's phone rang, after answering it he remained quiet for a while before speaking.

"I will handle it" he said before he hung up then turned to Remi.

"Remi Patel, you are free to go but....if l was thirty percent sure that you are involved in the supposed murder case before. Now am a hundred percent sure you were involved in a kidnaping case. I will say this once, you are too young to be involved in whatever this is, and l know with how clever you are that you won't simply stop if l tell you to stop." He said then paused for a moment before continuing.

"I, detective Carson Blade, won't drop this case just because a kid is involved. If you drop out of whatever scheme this is, you will save your own life, rather than spending it in jail." He said as he finished everything he wanted to say.

"I understand. Can you drop me off at my house? I really can't walk around in pyjamas" she said as she pointed at herself.

Seeing that she was disregarding his advice, he shook his head thinking that she's a lost cause.

Upon reaching her home, she saw that there was an SUV waiting outside the gate there with Rowan in his usual black tinted shades, leaning on it.

Remi frowned when she saw him, she was still infuriated by his rude behaviour earlier. Didn't he swear loyalty to her before? Did that change just because she was in a different body now? She hopped off the car without even thanking the detective for dropping her off, then went straight to Rowan.

"What do you want?" She asked while looking at him fiercely.

Rowan looked down at the small girl then returned to his usual position, pretending to have heard nothing. This only added up to her earlier anger, making her pout and absent mindedly place her hands on her hips.

"Are you going to keep standing here? Should l call the guards to chase you away?" She asked angrily.

Hearing this, Rowan simply chuckled "you can try"

Knowing that normal people stood no chance against a profound martial artist like Rowan, she almost smacked her own forehead for her silly threat.

Not willing to back down, she yelled at him "if you are not going to say anything then l suggest you leave before l call the cops"

Rowan thoughtfully looked at the furious small girl in pyjamas, he couldn't help but think that it must be that time of the month for her, "why are you so snappy? Are you having your menstrual flow?"

Remi was first stunned before flying into rage out of embarrassment.

"Stop spouting nonsense! If you won't leave then I'll make you!" She roared as she charged at him.

When Rowan saw the little girl running towards him clearly intending to fight him, he smirked and decided to entertain her a little. And maybe send a little warning of what she's up against if she had any malicious thoughts about Drew or any hidden motives for tutoring him.

However when he blocked her first punch, his expression changed slightly before he swept his leg at her, intending to knock her down. Seeing this, Remi jumped backwards, nearly stumbling to the ground after loosing her balance. It was clear that she had an affinity for martial arts but her body couldn't keep up.

After parrying and dodging two quick strikes from Rowan, Remi felt breathless, each movement was draining her energy making her face pale and sweaty. It felt nothing like going up against Jordan, Rowan was a dozen levels higher than the brute and he wasn't even fighting seriously with her even though she was giving it her best.

Realising her potential, Rowan subconsciously gave her a tip.

"You should exercise more, your constitution is too weak" he said truthfully.

"Thanks genius" she said sarcastically as she sent a kick towards his face but Rowan ended up catching it.

"Enough playing, if you want to land a bit on me then improve your physique first" he said seriously as he threw her leg away making her fall on her butt.

"Also.... Do something about your chest, it's unsightly to watch it bounce around so loosely" he said as he shamelessly looked at her pointy chest.

"" Remi stammered as she covered her chest and pointed at him, her fingers trembling in anger.

"Just you wait.... I will get back at you" she said as she picked herself up and rushed back to her home with one hand clutched on her chest and her cheeks flushed Scarlet.

She didn't see the corner of Rowan's lips rising as he looked at her departing figure before it bumped into another figure.....Ophelia.

She was slightly annoyed when Remi bumped into her, but upon seeing Rowan smiling at her she was stunned.

'What a beautiful smile, I don't think I've ever seen him smile before. Is he smiling at me?' She thought as her heart beat rapidly in her ribcage, but the instant their gazes locked, the smile disappeared making her think it was an illusion.

'huh? Was he perhaps not smiling at me?' she looked at Remi's retreating figure before shaking her head, 'no just thinking too much' she assured herself'

She gracefully walked towards Rowan with the best smile she could muster, although she did not have the prettiest face, her curvy figure made up for it. Countless good-looking men proposed to her everyday, but the one man she actually wanted, never looked at her twice.

She had carefully dolled up when she received Rowan's call, but he wasn't even sparing her a glance.

"Hie Rowan, I hope my pesky sister didn't trouble you" she said with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

"Cut the crap, why did you call me here?" He asked coldly with displeasure written all over his face.

"Oh that, false alarm, detective Carson came here...I thought they had caught on to us, I was really afraid so I called you" she said as she nervously bit her fingernails.

"Bullsh*t! By the time you called me, the police had already apprehended your sister! And I will say this one last time, I wasn't involved in your stupid plot! If you call me here for this nonsense again, I will give your name to the police!" He threatened as he got into his car and left in a huff, leaving Ophelia dumbfounded.

'how does he know about Remi? Do the two know each other? How?'

Remembering how Remi's face seemed so red when they bumped into each other, her face instantly darkened.