You killed me

Arriving at the classroom door, Remi saw Drew fidgeting while craning his neck to check for something...or someone. She walked over to his desk and smiled "were you checking if l would come today?"

Drew scanned her body with his eyes then sighed in relief "You are okay, I was afraid something might have happened again"

"Don't worry, I dealt with the issue nicely am fine now" she animatedly patted her chest not giving the stinky Rowan any credit.

Drew nodded with a forced smile and looked down while still fidgeting, he was not good at hiding his emotions, Remi noticed it right away "what's wrong? Did anyone bully you?"

"'s just that...y-you forgot didn't you?" He asked with a wary smile.

Remi was confused "about what?"

Drew hesitated for a moment "tutoring"

Remi's eyes widened "oh, am really sorry about that. I got caught up with something, l forgot but l promise you I will make it up to you today"

At that moment the History teacher arrived, when she started teaching Drew couldn't concentrate at all.

'she....forgot me' that thought crossed his mind several times 'i guess she doesn't view me as her friend after all'

Thinking about how he had waited for her outside the gate for three hours and she didn't come as promised, Drew felt an uncomfortable pang in his chest, he tried rubbing it but it didn't go away for a long time.

After school, Remi felt great, apart from Drew's sombre mood and the occasional gossip about her, there was no drama from Myrtle or anyone. Walking side by side with Drew Remi subconsciously added a hop to her steps making her seem jolly, Drew couldn't help but smile seeing her so cheerful.

"Hurry up, I will treat you to some street food, it's pretty good you should try it" she said.

Drew shook his head in denial "no l don't eat street food, it's too oily and not clean"

Remi giggled "it's just for today, if you really don't like it then l won't force you next time"

Drew simply nodded with a smile.

"Great!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him to several food stands, Drew was just happily following behind since Remi was taking the initiative to hold his hand. He didn't understand why such a simple gesture made him so happy since he originally hated anyone touching him the most.

By the time they were full, Drew still didn't realise that Remi had actually bought most of his favourite foods, not even one dish was astray. It was her own way of apologising to Drew for breaking her promise, she had already thought of how to cheer him up and used the excuse of buying him food to fill her own belly. But Drew had long since forgotten about the incident, he was just happy to spend time with her. Suddenly remembering what he had planned to do yesterday he looked at her and said " l...are we friends?"

"Huh? Were you speaking" Remi said as she looked back at the moving figure in the streets clearly distracted.

"I was just asking if-"

"Sorry Drew, can you make it back home alone? I have to handle something" she said as she stuffed the remaining food in her hands into his hands.

With that she took off and disappeared into the crowd of people.

'was l too hasty' he thought anxiously as he looked at Remi's fleeing figure.

He couldn't help but feel sad again, first she forgot him, second she abandoned him, he didn't want there to be a third bad thing. For the first time in his life he felt fear, fear of losing his only friend and he was extremely unwilling to yield.

'i will won't let you leave my side' he thought with determination.

Meanwhile, Remi's uniform skirt fluttered in the wind as she ran towards the direction where she had seen that man ran off to. Once near him, Remi subconsciously released her killing intent, causing that man to be alert and turn to look at her.

"Oh, it's only you. You frightened me little girl." He said as he clasped his chest as if to calm himself down.

He couldn't help but look at her again, was that killing intent really coming from such a small girl? He looked around but didn't see anyone else, when he looked at Remi again and saw her fierce expression, he couldn't help but feel fear for no reason, her eyes looked like they wanted to eat him alive.

Remi lost control of her emotions and screamed "YOU TRAITOR!"

The man was genuine confused, traitor?

Unable to control herself, she rushed up to him and punched him in the face, the man staggered while holding his now red cheek "what are you doing"

Her eyes were red with anger as she growled "Serving justice!"

She didn't hold back as she kicked him then punched him, the man tried to block but even when he did he could still feel pain. He really didn't want to fight a little girl who didn't seem older than 15 or he would feel like he was going up against his own daughter.

"Little girl stop, I think you have the wrong person. I have never seen you in my life!" He said as he tried to block another punch towards his face but it was a feint, he suddenly felt pain in his lower abdomen.

Remi delivered a series of strikes until the man fell down to the ground but Remi wasn't satisfied, she climbed on top of him and continued to punch him as she yelled.

"I gave you a raise!"


"I saved you from debt!"


"I gave you money for your wife's cancer treatment!"


"And what did you do?"


"You f***ng killed me!"


"Ungrateful! Ungrateful! Ungrateful! Ungrateful!!!


"Why? What did l ever do to you?" She screamed at his face as the tears streaked down her face uncontrollably.

Looking at the bloodied face that was swollen like a pig, Remi didn't feel an ounce of remorse. She hadn't even noticed that the man had long since stopped moving, whether he was dead or simply passed out, his fate was unknown.

Someone from afar had noticed the two at the beginning and quickly opened his social media account tuned in on his live stream in hopes of getting more viewers.

Seeing a middle aged man getting thrashed around by such a small girl, people were riled up and the video soon blew up and went viral.

"Such skill! She definitely practices martial arts!"

"Hahaha! This is so funny, look at how pathetic that man looks, he can't even block a single hit!"

"Can't even beat a little girl? You are a disgrace to all men on earth!"

"Are we all going to laugh and ignore the fact that a citizen is getting harassed?"

"Who is that girl? The camera is so far away, l can't see their faces at all"

"I recognise that uniform, that's our Ridgewood High School uniform!"

"he might have tried to do something bad to her, he messed with the wrong girl. You go girl!"

"This isn't right, that man is old enough to be her father, how can she beat him like that? We should report this to the authorities!"

"Mortal Kombat!!"

Such comments flowed through the live video, seeing so many comments, the boy making the video was elated.

'what a boon!' he thought in glee.

In a black SUV, Rowan was sitting right besides Drew, they had just picked him up from the streets and we're heading home.

He suddenly receive a call from one of his trusted aids.

"Boss, bad news. That high school girl I was following is about to be in alot of trouble" he said urgently.

Rowan's body tensed "what happened"

"She's beating up your uncle! Hurry! She's about to murder him and it's all over on social media too" He said hurriedly.

Hanging up the call, he scrolled on his phone and found that indeed there were a lot of tags with '#littlegirlmanhandlingman' in the lead.

He clicked on it and then..Rowan's lips twitched, he was stunned to silence!

Did she not know her skirt was so short? Everyone could see what was underneath!

Ahem... excuse me but your uncle is still getting beaten!