Chapter 6

Andre sprinted down the hallway, the trash-strewn floors echoing underfoot. The room doors were all open, some marred with claw marks, others reduced to splinters.

'Not a single door is closed, looks like everybody managed to get away in time...hmm'

Andre continued running, letting the thoughts drift away as his body focused solely on moving as fast as possible. He didn't know if it was adrenaline or the system but the pain in his legs had seemed to completely fade away.

He knew he wasn't In optimal condition to be active but his survival depended on it. Andre finally rounded a corner that led to the stairs, not even willing to consider the elevator, the stairs had most likely been the only viable option.

As he neared the doors that led to sweet freedom he slowed down to catch his breath, just in time to notice the blood marred on the floor.

It looked like something or someone had been dragged there. Although they didn't go without a fight, there was blood splattered All over the walls. He even noticed what looked like the talon-like appendages the creatures carried, lying on the floor.

'blood's dry, must've been a while, doubt whatever did this is still here. Still, nothing wrong with being careful..speaking of being careful'

Andre opened up his status page.


Name: Andre


Health: 153/ 240

Stamina: 33/ 50

Mana: 10 / 10

Strength: 9

Agility: 5

Constitution: 8

Mind: 5

Intelligence: 4

Stat Points: 0

Active skills: Morph


'Oh look at that, my health bar keeps going up, looks like ascending has it's perks.'

He mused as he continued with his inspection.

'Mana's back to full too, handling a abbreant shouldn't be too hard now… hopefully'

He knew how risky it was to get cocky, he'd seen it a thousand times in the books he used to read while he was younger.

Protagonists get powers and become way too confident and need to be humbled in some usually embarrassing or even life threatening way. He knew it but he still couldn't help it.

Something about transforming came so naturally to him, it made him feel strong, powerful, like he could take on an army; It was intoxicating.

And who could blame him, the ability he had was busted. Although he had no one else to compare it to, he still felt he could at least manage if he made good use of it.

Deciding he was ready, he closed the Nexus and grasped the door handle. He discreetly slid the door open, and softly closed it behind him.

He was growing more confident in his abilities but that didn't mean he had to go around calling attention to himself.

Part of him even felt like forming a sword, the extra reassurance It would provide tempted him but he remained strong.

He had no clue what he'd meet on his way to the ground floor, forming a weapon now just for it to be useless for whatever he met seemed incredibly stupid. Mustering up all the courage he could manage, he began his descent.

It started slowly, one step down at a time but as he continued by his lonesome he felt more confident but still stayed vigilant. With those creatures wandering about and others he probably hadn't met yet he knew he couldn't afford to relax. Though it seemed unfounded as he had reached the ground floor without hearing or seeing a single soul.

Andre exited the staircase into the main lobby. After A few minutes of carefully walking around he noticed the place was completely empty; save for the occasional bloodstain, he saw nothing but rubble.

'So much blood yet not a single corpse to be found, monsters probably got to them'

He shifted uncomfortably, the confidence he had from his new powers were beginning to slip away. He was starting to come to grips with his situation.

'No sight of people or even any functioning society in sight, countless monsters roaming about, and all I have are two water bottles for my troubles…I should've just died in my sleep, at least then I would've gone peacefully.'

Hope became more and more, a fleeting thought. He was becoming more aware of how truly hopeless his situation was. Luckily or unluckily, just as his thoughts grew darker, his will to live returned in full force.

Something had surried behind a particularly bigger than average piece of stone, most likely a piece of the ceiling that had crumbled onto the floor.

It was fast, so much so that it almost went unnoticed, though Andre still caught it. In response he shaped his right hand into a blade.


It moved again, behind another piece of rubble that was closer to him. Although, this time it's form was clearer. It had Feline features, neon blue eyes that practically glowed, a dark shade of bluish fur and sharp claws.

It would've resembled a regular cat if not for the ribcage that jutted out it's chest and it looked to be three times bigger than any cat he ever saw.

"I know you're there, come out"

Andre shouted while reading his blade, arm poised to strike at anything that'd leap out.

Sensing it had been caught, the feline strolled out and Andre got a closer look. It was frothing at the mouth, it had an exposed rib cage that didn't look like any sort of mutation he'd seen before, it resembled malnutrition more than anything.

[Level 5 Azure Prowler:

Felines that have adapted to the nature of the world, A variant of the Prowler, these beings share features of their sister felines with the exception of being more mana sensitive. Should be treated with caution even at lower levels]

'A mana sensitive cat, oh course I'd run into one of these things, just my luck; and by the looks of it this bastard's been starving.'

A low growl rumbled from the creature as more foam dripped from its mouth onto the floor. Andre realizing he had no other choice, readied himself for the fight.


{Lost city of #$%$%}

"Plans, plans, plans… oh what's the point?"

It spat out, lounging in the shadows. Its eyes glinted with a flicker of amusement, boredom evident in its demeanor.

Suddenly, something caught its attention. Leaning forward, a predatory smile formed.

"Finally, some entertainment. Things are about to get very interesting."