Chapter 10

Andre's breath came in ragged gasps as he stumbled through the halls. The store opening was just ahead, a bright beacon inspiring hope amidst the pain radiating from his shoulder.

Each step sent jolts of agony through his body. But he couldn't stop. He had to get away from that nightmare.

He reached the store opening and threw himself through it. He ran deep inside, eventually crashing into a display of old canned goods. Cans clattered to the floor, rolling away in every direction, but Andre didn't care. He dragged himself behind a counter, trying to catch his breath.

The disgust he felt under the monster's hold came back in full force. His mind, replaying the horrific encounter with the mantis.The slimy egg, the way it seemed almost alive, the smell—it all churned in his gut. He forced the bile he felt rising up and made up his mind. He couldn't let that thing get him again. He wouldn't.

"Alright, Andre, think," he muttered to himself.

His skill had helped, again. It seemed like the only thing he could count on these days. He thought as he looked at his injured shoulder.

The mantis had done a number on it, He needed to get it patched up before he bled out or passed out from the pain. His vision blurred slightly, but he shook his head, forcing himself to stay focused.

The store was eerily silent, the only sound being his ragged breathing. He risked a glance over the counter, scanning for any sign of the mantis. Nothing. Maybe he'd bought himself a few minutes. He needed a plan, but first, the shoulder.

Andre rummaged through the fallen cans and debris, looking for anything that could serve as a makeshift bandage. A strip of fabric from an old shirt, a half-empty bottle of disinfectant—he'd make it work.

He gritted his teeth as he poured the disinfectant on the wound, stifling a scream as the liquid burned like fire. He wrapped the fabric around his shoulder, pulling it tight. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do.

The sound of clicking mandibles echoed from the store opening. Andre's heart leapt into his throat, The mantis was coming.

He steadied himself and reminded himself of the mantra he made a long while ago. If he went down, he'd go down swinging.

He crouched behind the counter, waiting. The mantis's shadow loomed in the doorway, its alien eyes scanning the store. It moved slowly, cautiously, as if it knew Andre was nearby.

Andre's mind raced. 'Its eyes… oh, of course, it's the eyes. I knew something was off about them.'

The thing was essentially just a giant, Nexus-enhanced mantis. It was a bright shade of green and resembled a regular mantis almost perfectly, except for its eyes and whatever was going on with its stomach. He couldn't remember how praying mantises reproduced, but he was sure it wasn't that gruesome.

His mind raced as he tried picking together anything he could use to his advantage. He thought of its eyes, they had a deep, bloody look to them—dark red and pupil-less. They looked almost like a portal straight to hell, and with how the predator hunted, they might as well have been. He shivered at the memory.

He thought back to when it ripped the egg sac out of its stomach. Right before it held him, it did nothing but stare, as if trying to inspect something. It was probably just ensuring the ability had taken place. He spared a glance toward his transformed hand, then thought of his mana.

"Health: 170/320

Stamina: 47/90

Mana: 9/10"

A smaller screen appeared, only showing his body's condition.

'Huh, that's pretty convenient. Now I can quickly check my status without being blinded. The Nexus truly is a blessing.'

From the status to the ability he wielded, he owed it all to the Nexus. If it wasn't for it, he'd be dead ten times over.

Taking a moment to thank the creature that granted him access to it, his mind focused back on the situation at hand. He looked toward the hammer he wielded, a twinkle in his eyes.

'Looks like the plan will have to change. No way I can run, that thing'll gut me before I make it ten feet past the door. I have to stay and fight… least this way if I die it won't be as a coward.'

Steeling his mind further, he prepared for another encounter with the beast. His mana had reached 11/30; Just enough for another transformation.

The creature had fallen back after a hit from his hammer, so it could be hurt. But considering how he drew no blood, he'd probably have to pummel it for any noticeable effect.

He would also have to avoid looking into the mantis's eyes. He was sure that was what triggered the paralysis.

As he was busy analyzing the creature for a plan, he came to a realization. It didn't want him dead.

It had him pinned to a wall, and instead of simply ending and eating him, it instead mutilated itself. The dots connected themselves and it all made sense.

He found it in a clothing store, one of the places in the mall that no other animal or aberrant would ever go to—somewhere alone, quiet, and warm.

The beast was expecting, and if that egg thing was anything to go by, it was probably its child. It wouldn't kill him because it couldn't; it needed him.

Most likely for some reproduction ritual that wouldn't end in his favor. Nonetheless, it couldn't come at him lethally.

The thought of being used as some sort of incubator sent chills down his spine, but he pushed the fear deep down. He was done being afraid.

The creature was deadly, his shoulder was proof. But it couldn't make use of its full strength—it needed him alive.

He hoped he was right, failure wasn't an option he could afford.

Finalizing the 'plan' of attack before hesitation could hold him any further, Andre's left arm began to tingle as he activated his skill.

A wave of energy coursed through his body. His flesh rippled and shifted, the skin darkening and hardening. His forearm transformed into a solid chunk of black steel, heavy and imposing and from the back of the metallic mass, a pointed shield emerged. Sleek and deadly, merging seamlessly with the rest of his arm.

After the transformation, he undid the skates on his feet. The skates provided good mobility, but he wasn't used to them enough to try them in a fight.

The mantis's footsteps drew closer, each step thumping against the porcelain tiles of the store. Unlike the imposing effect they had before, this time they seemed heavy and cumbersome. It was struggling.

'That wound is definitely slowing it down. I have a chance.'

Andre's gaze sharpened. All stray thoughts left him as he focused solely on enacting the suicidal plan he had managed. He was terrified, but amidst the terror, there was something else—something more primal.

He waited, muscles coiling with tension, adrenaline flooding his body as it drew closer and when the creature was fully inside, he acted.

"Over here, jackass! Come get me!"

He jumped over the counter and shouted as loudly as he could manage.

Although his outburst seemed like one of a brave warrior, outwardly he looked anything but.

His gaze was fixed directly on the floor. He was shirtless, with a hastily made bandage on his shoulder that only barely managed to stop the bleeding. He would've perfectly resembled the average crack fiend if not for the shield and hammer he wielded with poor efficacy.

The creature turned and lunged for him. It was injured but still had the strength to throw itself almost 15 feet forward. His shield raised as soon as its shadow entered his vision.

The impact was brutal. The mantis slamming into his shield, sent him skidding back into a shelf. Cans and boxes toppled over him, but he held his ground, gritting his teeth against the pain. He couldn't let it pin him down again.

The mantis's claws lashed out, and Andre ducked, feeling the air whistle above his head. He swung his hammer in a wide arc, aiming for its already injured stomach. The hammer connected, and the creature screeched, reeling back.

'Don't look at its eyes. Don't look at its eyes,' he repeated to himself, dodging another swipe.

He rolled to the side, crashing into another shelf. He had no idea what he was doing but he knew he couldn't stay still. If he learned anything from the Souls games he regularly played, staying still meant death.

He barely had time to get up before the mantis was on him again, its claws tearing into his side.


He cried out in pain but used the momentum to swing his hammer upwards, catching the mantis under its chin.

It staggered, giving him a moment to scramble to his feet. Blood dripped from his side, and his vision blurred, but he couldn't stop now. He had to keep moving.

He darted behind another display, using the brief cover to catch his breath. The mantis slashed through the display like it was nothing, and Andre barely avoided the attack, diving to the side.

He rolled, coming up on one knee, and launched himself at the mantis, driving his shield into its stomach with all his strength. The creature shrieked again, stumbling back and slamming into a wall. Andre seized the opportunity, raining blows on its stomach, each hit drawing more agonized sounds from the beast.

'It's working. I can do this, I Can Do This!'

He thought, though every movement sent waves of pain through his body.

The mantis's tail lashed out, catching him in the side and sending him sprawling. He crashed into another shelf, the impact knocking the wind out of him. Gasping for breath, he struggled to rise, knowing he couldn't afford to stay down.

The mantis advanced, slower now, its movements jerky and unsteady. Andre forced himself up, using the shelf for support. His left arm ached from the weight of the steel shield, but he readied himself for the final assault.

Eyes poised to the floor, he charged. As the mantis closed in, Andre feinted to the right, before quickly stpping to his left and swung the hammer with all his might, aiming directly for its exposed stomach.

The blow connected and it let out an ungodly sound as it crashed back down into the wall.

Click! Click! Clack!

The sounds came out weaker than before. It was dying.

Giving it no respite, Andre's hammer came crashing down it. He looked down at its body, avoiding the eyes but no longer caring where his hits landed as he rained down blows on the creature.

Squelch! Pop!

He heard nothing but the sound of metal hitting flesh, its carapace was breaking apart.

The creatures legs jerked towards him, slamming his chest, it's arms sliced his body in a desperate attempt to survive. It was futile.

Ignoring the cuts and bruises that littered his upper Body, he continued swinging.

"Just Die Dammit. DIE!"

His arms felt weak, his movements became sluggish, breaths came out in ragged, uneven gasps. His left eye was shut, having been sliced sometime in the battle. He felt it was still functional but the pain forced it closed.

He undid the transformation on his left arm and grasped his the sledgehammer with the left arm, holding it for more support. He raised it high into the air and swung down.

The creature slumped and new screens popped up in his vision.

[Insect Queen defeated!]

[Congratulations, you have reached Level 10]