A single unfortunate incident left Felix Altan — an omega — traumatised. When he found out about his pregnancy, forced by his mother into an abortion, he runs to his father.
With the help of his best friend, Elliot Asten — an alpha — Felix overcomes his trauma and raises his child with the love he never got from his own mother.
But what to do when years later, the father of his child suddenly appears wanting to be part of their life.
Felix does not want the man in his life, but his son wants his father and his papa to be together. Yet, there is Elliot, his best friend, who has always been by his side. Both the men hold the same question—
"Will you let me in your heart?"
What happens next !!! Please continue the story I gotta know what happens and who was this horrible alpha that couldn’t resist! Was it a fated mate thing and his scent drove him crazy?
this is good i really appreciate the work
An interesting beginning, wish it keep getting better till the end
This book is wonderful! The characters and style of writing has kept me hooked. I just want to see how everything would unfold. I am so excited and would patiently wait for more updates by the author. It has made my day, Author!!
Good and interesting I really like this novel
this seem like interesting book for me to read
Not my typical read but wanted that free pass
It's pretty good. Go for it. Well if you are into LGBT that is.
Good love story, looking forward to read all the chapters
you have a wonderful story author, good job
Just to get a side pass,,,i am reviewing this book 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
Hmmmmmm this started really well.. oh I sure do hope nothing's gonna happen *wink wink*
so far so good!!!!!!! I like what Ihave read until now