Chapter 3

Victor Fulger pov

I turned around and saw a man with a devine face white hair and a long beared with golden eyes, wearing nothing on his upper body but a linen cloth draped over and a cloth with godly quality wraped around his waist. Yellow lightning was dancing around the man. He gave a fealing of power his naked torso seemed to have been carved by the gods being the definition of a 'Greek Physic'.

A man also stood opposite to him with black hair and brown eyes wearing an Hawaiian theamed dress style, an blue butten down half sleeved shirt with beach patterns and coconut trees drown all around it along with brown shorts that reached his knees. He had a smile on his face that could anger anyone, purple lightning was running crackling around him.

" So its proved once again i am the strongest god of the sky " Said the man in Hawaiian theam costume.

Hearing this the bearded half naked man audible greated his teeth " You dare mock me Indra!!! " He barked out.

The bearded half naked man rased his hand and slapped at the now introduced Indra. The said so called god flashed and appeared to the side and the slape was so strong that by the wind pressure alone the hill was destroyed and the city in front was destroyed along with.

" My lightning is more beautiful in colour and more famous than yours Indra !"

Indra spoke " Ha you must be joking Zeus see this purple colour its looks so nice under the cloudy sky " Saying so he blasted a bolt of lightning towards the city. As it reached the city the lightning exploded.

Thunder... Rumble.....


A bright flash and the city along with thousands of mile of land was gone...

Hundreds of thousands of lives... Men.. Women... Children... Elderly... All vanisher in smoke.

My paaarrrents happyly planing my birthday... My family... There warmth.. There smiles all gone..

Due to what?????


A spat between these people these...gods? Whyyyyyyyy?

Because they wanted?

Anger... Boiling anger unlike which i have ever felt before came upon me. Unknowingly blue lightning crackled around my hands and i rushed towards Indra and punched him in the face.

Indra looked at me and swated my hand away.. tried.. He was hit but nothing happned he looked me in the eye and surprise passed his face. My hand for a moment.. No my lightning cracked space and reached him. But i was to weak!.

I went flying and landed on the ground. I sat up and saw Indra hand glowing with lightning and Zeus also rased his hand. Both of them attacked at the same time and the world turned white.. but i saw something long... was it a spear?? Infront of me.. it protected me. Then i fell.


????? Pov

I opened my eyes for the first time in hours the sky was the same as before i closed my eyes the surroundings were the same as I remember for an incalculable number of millennias, the wheeling and weeping of the creatures the soulless shadows of the past that room this lands was the same as well. But there was something different this time something... something had changed.

There was soul now in this desolate lands of

Shadows. I look down from my Throne still setting with my spear and hand my my trusted spear I carried across multiple battles.

There there in front of me below my Throne laid a boy, hair white as snow gleaming in this endless gray landscape. My eyes went to the spear lying close to him. It give of a distinctive devine presence, the spear slowly faded in front of my eyes and returned to the boys soul.


'What is that soul' my eyes widened in surprise. ' how ? how can I human soul be this big and robust it's quality alone is the equal to that of gods, let alone the size 'i thought to my self ' and that spear it looks like I got myself another disciple and this time the most talented I have had yet in a melania's time. '

' Oh He lookes to be awakening , ' his eyes fluttered open, ' this child truly knows how to make me shocked! Showing me what i haven't in so... so long the sky.. the bright blue sky was reflected in his eyes those beautiful, mesmerizing, enchanting and mysterious eyes of his looked at me with caution. Umm good,I like it, if in an unknown place in front of an unknown entity he had been complacent i would kick him out regardless of his talants. '

Victor spoke " Mam where am i ? Can i go back? are my parents alive? "

' He knowns respect good , one less thing to teach ' i piered into his past with the Wisdom Of Dún Scáith and a Primordial Ruin and saw his life flash before my eyes. I was shocked again a lightning affinity greater than god's with lightning as there domain, strengeth of a Nonillion(10^54) lightning bolts in every cell of his body, and the most absured he punched? Indra in the face with out going through any kind of training.

" I am the ruler of these lands the Queen of the Land of Shadows ,Witch of Dún Scáith

Scáthach . I do not know what happened to your parents child. You can return if you wish i shall guide you on your journey outside. But before that state your name as is the common courtesy when you ask the name of a person. " Scáthach said.


Victor pov

My eyes widened upon hearing her introduction,this as the fabled Scáthach the Witch of Dún Scáith, the god slayer, the immortal witch.. And many more titles that define her but most important to me right now was ' the gratest teacher of heros in Celtic mythology. She has taught many people who later left there mark in history. I read about her and other historical figures and mythological stories when i started sneaked into the Lorence city library away from my mother.

Thinking of my parents brought out my anger once again but it was suppressed by sadness those damed willful gods! . I just want to beat them bloody, but.. I can't i am not strong enough. since childhood my parents told me to hold back my strength and i did. I thought i was strong i could hit quite hard, but reality hit harder i can not avenge them as i am now. I looked up at those red eyes of that women sitting on that raised throne with a dark purple battle attire hugging her voluptuous yet athletic figure defined by the clear cuts of her 8 pack abs, and long redish purple hair flowing back down to her waist, her beautiful face that could enchant any man carrying that aloof expression, my heart skiped a beat.

" My name is Victor DFulger "

I stated took a moment to gather my thoughts.

" I did not come hear of my own will. But.. "

I bent my knee and bowed.

" I wish for strength.. Something i never wished for in my life hoever short a time i lived i thought my self strong but was proven wrong . I... I wish to learn how to slay gods ".
