chapter 13

Scáthach pov

The answer was quite simple " Humm " A small smile came to my lips as i thought of the dark obsession that my... Mine.. Victor should through his eye's that reflected the sky. It whould turn my insides in need for that man, my man. I knew he would never leave if i told him i can't leave with him due to the gyaas that bound my soul to this land that i ruled, i was tricked by the Celtic pantheon into this role of -the gate keeper of the land of shadows. I knew his obsession with me would make him never leave my side. Well... If he tried to leave after whispering those sweet sweet words to me for two whole years continuously , and making me experience the zenith of pleaser every night as he filled up my womb and reshaped my pussy to the shape of his dic. I would never let him leave after he moved this Scáthach's heart, i would even kill him to make him stay, he wasn't the only obsessive one in this relationship of ours and he knows it aswell, i might as well be a bit more crazier than him even.

But now i stood there in my land of shadows as lightning flashed through the unchanging grey sky. I was free now. The gyaas that shackled me to this place has vanished from my soul. I felt free for the first time in my truest sence now i now why the humans that fought against the colonisation wanted freedom so much, its a good feeling to be free.

I looked at the sky and saw Victor still afloat in the air getting hit by trillions of bolts of thick blue lightning. After 13.2571 seconds the lightning rain stopped, a second passed in silence. A bolt of lightning descended, it wasn't a simple bolt, it was as thick as the entire dimension of the land of shadows or may be even thicker as i couldn't make out its entire size and shape with my senses. It looked like a single bolt but was made up of an incalculable number of lightning bolts. It struck Victor's body and the grey world i have lived in for millennias turned white.


Victor pov

I opened my eyes and was greeted with the grey sky of the land of shadows. In my peripheral vision i could see a woman with lustrous reddish purple hair flowing down her back and enchanting red eyes that held an endless blood lust deep within. Her body the epitome of an athletic female physic , wearing a reddish purple battle suit made of a stretchy fabric, clinging to her body and highlighting the lines of her muscles and all the right curves.

" No lap pillow for your dearest disciple master? " I asked in a carefree tone.

" You seem alright my disciple, now get up i don't like lazy students " Master said and i followed. I knew better than to disobey or i get a hole in my gut.

I could feel the power i once had as a child return to me. I did not know how amazing this was untill i lost it and master forced me to train to rise in power. I had struggled to gain power and had to refine my technique to become even a little bit stronger. So now i realized just what kind of absurd gift i was born with.

I raised my hand in front of me and sparkes of lightning arched around my fingers. Illuminating the spot i was standing at with a azure blue radiance, i felt i could control it at will so i did and formed a ball of blue light in my right hand. Looking at it i grind ' hehehe lets do this. ' i brought my left hand over the right hand touched my wrists but kept my fingers open then pulled both my hands back and shoutouted out loud " Khame hame khamehamehaaaaaa! " As i brought my hands forward.

A blast of blue laser was released from between my palms and the large mountain that was in front of my hands. Along with the forest behind it were evaporated.

" Hahahhaa hahaha. Look look master i did what every kid in my school dreamed about.

Hahaha" I shoutout to master with a happy face like i had returned to my days at the Dfulger farm .

" So those eyes gives you absolute control over your energy. I knew they were special but i never expected this kind of reality shattering ability to ever exist. Any and all beings were only capable of 91% efficiency in there energy control, atleast before i was sealed. But those eyes that reflect the sky help you achieve an efficiency of 100% . These eyes allow for the extremely precise manipulation of energy, down to an atomic level. This not only allows you to operate the your techniques through complex control of your energy but also enables you to process it with great efficiency as well. The amount of energy loss when a you spend energy to activate a your technique is infinitesimally close to zero, making it impossible for you to run out of energy normally. But it can still happen when you sepend energy to overchage your techniques. We need to experiment a little with this control of yours.

Umm Victor name the primordial energy's and give me a brief explanation would you. " Master after rambling to herself for a bit asked me one of the first things i was taught by her.

I replied to her question, fearing a stab at the heart, " Umm there are the

1. The Soul energy

2. The Chaos energy

3. The cosmo

4. The Divine

5. Magic energy

6. The force

7. Coursed energy

Among them cosmo is present in all living or non living thing that do not possess any unique treat, well it does not make it any weaker than the others, it was fromed when the bigbang occurred and thus became integral to all living and nonliving things. While magic is used by the witches - only women can be witches; this power i hard to manipulate due to its irrational nature, it was thought to be useless untill the first Moriarty the empress of witches made it obey her will. The force is a unnatural phenomenon that somehow took the shape of one of the primordial energy's it is immovable by any one as we can only know it exists but can not interact with it. The force strengthened the planet so it can bare the weight of existences like gods, for example i just evapurated a mountain with just 2 % of my current output and created a valley big enough that it would reach the mantle of the earth if it was measured for depth but if it was the earth enforced by The Force then this same feet would require at least 70 % of my output its just a estimate though, this force acts very strange because it only strengthens the inside of the planet but leaves the crust out of it's protection omst of the time but again it strengthens some particular battle fields or areas. Its very strange indeed. Then Divine its not as much an energy as it's a concept. Like if a being is Divine in nature then they follow a particular concept they are associated with like Odin is a war god so he loves to battle, he is also a god of wisdom meaning he knows almost all that happens except he doesn't priya into other pantheons as it could cause war, as you have told me master even being a war god he likes to live in peace if possible but isn't actually afraid of war. Every being can gain divinity in every posible path to power ranging from music to even just being lazy could achive divinity. Its not as easy as it sounds it takes millions of years to do this, thats the reason why all mortals are still mortals and gods still hold the position they do now. Then there is the coursed energy which is relatively new just like the magic energy. The coursed energy is generated by human or non human negative emotions and only a particular few can harnesses this power. This pepole are based primarily in japan an eastern country. The info on this energy and as well as magic energy is small as this things came after master was sealed so all we both know is the little the memories of the previous owners of my partner know."
