At that time, when Kátia didn't warn us that it was late, and we, talking about the emptiest subjects, continued sitting, without even being aware of it, until three in the morning.
The three roosters had already crowed, and dawn was beginning to break when he left. He said goodbye as usual, he didn't say anything special, since I knew that, from that day on, he was mine and I wouldn't lose him again.
So, that's how we admitted it, both to myself and the other girls, that I loved him and told Kátia everything, between her and Belladona.
When each of them, who were happy with the revelation, in my case I was moved by what I told them, even though none of them were able to sleep that night.
I was the only one who managed to sleep that night, while I spent a long-time walking around the balcony, I went down to the garden and, remembering every word, every movement, I walked along the paths where we had walked together and had our first time.