- I know that this man has a bad knee; or had, at least. “Jumping out of a hedge because he saw someone else's wife, he's lucky he just isn't the crooked dick evil. - He said.

- That's why they removed his kneecap. - He said. – Fell in his escape, still let the whole village know. – If the husband didn't depend on his wife, he's a cuckold, it's not enough to be a cuckold, he must be a meek cuckold. – He said, a gossip. “She's the rich one, he's just a young man in need of comfort. - He said. – Trophy husband. - He said.

He was stunned, besides a gossip, which was the gossip that everyone in town knew, he must mirror to everyone.

Friedrich Hans Ingo was what everyone said, gossip, minding the business of others, when he tried to think as fast as he could, the man not seeming to keep anything off his tongue.

- Well, me. - He said. – This shouldn't happen often.

- That's what you think. - The man retorted.

That's what happened, as he continued on the path, he lifted his head and threw a quick look back, before commenting on hairy stories from the city.

"Then you won't make me believe you're still suffering from that thing." - He said.

The fear of spreading it was enormous.

- Everything looks crooked, it even looks like he already uses gallons and has just returned from manoeuvrers, then he looked at his cousin sideways.

Emil was taller, stout, and muscular than he was, a model of youthful strength and as if tailored for the uniform, a phenomenal athlete.

He represented that kind of health man, who exercises, the apex of health and youthfulness, beyond the physical apex, a bodybuilder.

In what his blond homeland that produces on a high scale to be a master of the greatest physique of a super athlete, even for a warlock, pale enough to match a vampire, apparently, the temple a dark place was a great place to train, Due to the fog and the place being in penumbra, she hadn't seen much sun in her life, already by nature, she was pale due to the lack of sun.

Even though they were nowhere near a sunny environment, that place seemed like you couldn't see a foot in front of him, due to the cold, the fog and all the shadows that stretched, he had to put on a woollen coat, in addition to everything, the environment it was rainy, they had to open the umbrella, people passing by.

He was running from a fog, and a sense of a fog, which stood between a possible thunderstorm, in which no one here looked more than pale with vampires, nor happy to stand in the middle of the street in an early sleet.

He now found himself in an environment without much heat, a spine-chilling cold where no one seemed to have seen a sun in years, a cold environment with people who are almost transparent, like the snow around him, between the handfuls of rain that soon turned to hail.

With his large, ice-blue eyes, and his little silver moustache, where he lay over his full, shapely lips, he would have been positively handsome had it not been for his very loose ears.

A relative of an albino elf, if he saw them walking around, would almost confuse them.

Since those ears had been his only regret, the greatest pain in his life, even if he looked like an elf with his pointy ears, in which until a certain moment, even if now he had other concerns. Friedrich Hans Ingo continued:

- You will come with me and accompany me, won't you?

- You know, I don't see any problem. - He asked fearfully.

- I come back with you. - His first one questioning him, even though looking at him with his slanted eyes almost closed, which had always been soft, but during these five months they assumed a somewhat tired expression, almost melancholy.

- With you, when?

- Don't forget, in three weeks. - He said.

- I understand, it hasn't even arrived, you're already thinking about returning. – Emil at that time, his wistful air in which he replied.

- So, wait a bit; you're barely here, let's just get to know the place. - He said.

- Just three weeks means next to nothing for us up here, but for you who are visiting and intend to stay only three weeks is a lot of time.

- So, try to get used to it and warm up first. - He said.

- It won't change much, you can get used to the place, then you'll notice that it's not that easy.

- Know that the weather is not the only strange thing that exists here. - He said.

- So, you'll find a lot of new stuff, you know? - He said

- By my side accompanying you, you will get used to it as quickly as you imagine. - He said.

- So, when you think about coming back in three weeks. - He said.

- This will be an idea you will forget. - He said.

- My skin is almost pale as paper, yes sir, but that mainly comes from the rarefied air, the dismal environment, the mists, the place is cold by nature. - He said.

- It's due to high altitude. – He said, reflected by the snow and it doesn't mean much, like Manfred always at companies, in which in the last general examination, he said he was almost sure that I would have to stay another six months. - The man said.

- Here is also a spa. - He said.

- Stay here six months in this cold? - Your first repeated. - You are crazy. - He screamed

When Friedrich Hans Ingo then installed themselves in a covered stop, next to a restaurant, when they entered there so that he was waiting for them in a stony square, in front of the station, which was nothing more than a kind of large dark station.

As the two carriages in front of them on the train began to move, Friedrich Hans Ingo shifted indignantly in his poorly upholstered seat.

- Half year? - He repeated. - But it's been almost half a year since you've been here. You don't have that much time...

- You know, it's been a while. – Emil, he said, while he was looking straight ahead and shaking his head repeatedly, unconcerned with his cousin's sincere annoyance.

- Well, here they don't do much ceremony with our time.

- This place seems frozen in time. - He said. - You have no idea.

- Right here three weeks are like a day for them, you'll see. - He said.

- It seems that all this is learned. - He said, then, when adding. – In that place, it seems that all things and the environment are transformed. - He said. - It seems out of time in the world. - He said.

Friedrich Hans Ingo kept looking at her profile.

- Even so, you decided to live and settle in a wonderful place. - He said, contemplating the place, in addition to shaking his head.

- You think...? Emil questioned him.

- You know well, what is it?