- I feels cold. - He said. - Do you also suffer from cold feet? – He questioned him.

- In which at the same time I feel my face burning, it's quite unpleasant. - He said.

- It looks more like your muscles hurt from laughing so much, a habit that is bad, because you shouldn't have the habit of laughing often. - He said.

- Then. – He said, changing the subject.

- When are we having dinner? – He questioned them.

- Do you have the munchies, worm by any chance? – He questioned him.

- No, nothing like that, just hungry, I haven't eaten since before arriving. - He said.

- I feel like I'm hungry, it seems like I haven't eaten in hours. - He said.

- Say, is your food up here good? – He questioned him.

Most apparently ignoring him as they walked over the coconut fibres carpet that covered the narrow hallway, they were seeing the frosted glass globes shedding a pale light, in which those walls, which were apparently varnished, gleamed hard, coated with white oil paint.

Around them, running along the corridor, among others in the distance, they saw the staff nurses among the doctors.

Knowing that they were part of Um-Mu's order, as they passed a nurse, who came to receive them, a nurse in a white cap, carrying a mask on her nose, which she had hung by a cord, she had placed behind of the ear, being that she was clearly a Protestant, a priestess who was one of the workers with a very firm vocation.

Even though she was more than curious and irritated with so much boredom that weighed on her, following two points of the corridor, in front of the white varnished and numbered doors, there were large, bulging containers with a short neck on the floor, on the floor. whose purpose Friedrich Hans Ingo forgot to ask for explanations.

- Is this your room. Emil said.

- Of course, number thirty-four, going to the right is mine, and to the left lives a Russian couple, they are people, who are a little relaxed and noisy, by the way, but no, there was a solution on how to avoid it.

"Here, it's fine," he said.

- What do you think? – He questioned him.

- How is it for you? – He questioned him.

In front of them, as they passed, there were double doors of dark marble, with overlapping leaves, and in the gap between them were hangers. Emil turned on the ceiling lamp, it came from an opaque light and darker like the rest of the place, it was a room that appeared peaceful and boring,

They had dark wood furniture among marble furniture and objects, in which it was more than practical, the wallpapers were also silver, contrasting with the marble that was more resistant and washable, when the clean linoleum, covering the floor, and the curtains of linen, stylishly embroidered, designed and sewn, were more than graceful in keeping with modern taste.

Looking ahead, that was the balcony door was open; the lights of the valley could be seen and dance music could be heard in the distance, even so, this showed Emil's self-centeredness he had placed some flowers like petunia, lilies, among lotus, in a small vase on the chest of drawers, it looked like it was from the at the time of the second flowering he offered breakfast, and a few bluebells, which he had picked himself on the hillside.

- You did it in an original and far-fetched way. - Friedrich Hans Ingo said.

- As for the room, it is rich and very cosy.

He saw the armchair leaning to the side, beyond upholstered chairs outside the balcony, an exquisite table.

- Seeing a place like this is a pleasure to spend a few weeks. - He said.

- It was a few days ago, if you don't mind, an American died here. Emil said.

As for Manfred, he thought right away that the thing would be over before you arrived, and that then you could have the room.

- I'll tell you. – He soon started to gossip.

In his thoughts, he stared, stunned, wondering, does he not think before speaking these truths?

- I was one of her colleagues, I met her husband, who was by her side, even though he was an officer, a soldier in the American army, in which he was an army general.

- I met him, talked with him, the man cannot be said to have kept his composure. - He said.

- So, every moment he went out into the corridor to cry like a child, even though he was such a strong and robust man, a muscular man.

- When sometime later he rubbed his cheeks with cold cream, because he was shaven and the tears were burning on his skin, following that that night last week, when the American woman had two cardiac arrests, in which at first, and with that, the end of chat, but she already left last Saturday, yes, which of course then they disinfected everything for real.

- You know, we started treating him with morphine, first of all, to conserve, putting chloroform in his body, even a little makeup? – She was skeletal, she looked like a mummy, due to the curse.

- When they want to conserve it for the trip, we did everything for what was within reach, because at those times, when they say it's excellent in those cases.

Friedrich Hans Ingo listened to the story under a nervous distraction, at that time, he thought, how to keep certain secrets, secret, not to tell too many things to his cousin's gossip, in fact it will be easy to know about everyone's life, pulling up the rolled up sleeves, in front of the large sink whose faucets, where he washed his hands, the nickel-plated ones glistening in the electric light, he barely cast a fleeting glance at the made-up bed, made of white metal, clean linen embroidered with what might have been an Egyptian silk,

Then the man continued to speak.

- So, they disinfected the room, so everything is great. - When he said, with a certain loquacity, gossiping, saying as if he didn't have a friend to tell all the secrets of everyone's life, thinking that he would be his great confidant, even without much purpose, while his cousin was washing and drying his hands.

- You know that common and clinical disinfectants are great, methyl aldehyde; there is no microbe that can resist this.

- Yes, using H2CO, yes sir!

- Even if it smells spicy, a mixture of lemon and eucalyptus, doesn't it?

- You know that naturally, the strictest cleanliness is indispensable... - He said.

Then he observed that his pronunciation was more markedly classical and traditional as an English aristocrat, than that of his cousin, who since his student days had lost the traces of the dialect of his land.

When Friedrich Hans Ingo continued talking with great ease:

- You know I still wanted to say... - He stopped dead.

- So, ah, yes. – He continued.