- He will go to the border of Malduralis, located in the extreme south of Embratufilis.

So he said.

- When he gets there, he will return. – Said the seller.

Then, that region, in which he dismounted from his horse by shapeshifting into a topaz-colored elf, in which after an hour's journey, in which he acted as a buffer between the dragon empires of Uzako Suna-Malebarurth and Skelkor. Malduralis was mostly, when he saw the horse return.

Being a dragonborn kingdom made up of runaway slaves and their descendants, one that was a highly defensive kingdom, with all the territories and kingdoms bordering the kingdoms of other werewolves and the vampires underground, in which starting in 1479 DR, they entered into conflict with orcs from Embratufilis, but the dragonborn had the upper hand at that time.

Skelkor was the empire of the evil lizardmen of the mystical Lycan Realms, being larger than Uzako Suna-Malebarurth and more powerful, while the territory of Skelkor was ruled by the Lizardmen Empress, Gauwervyndhal.

Tsuki went to speak to a village elder to learn about the history of Skelkor and treated his slaves with special brutality, which led to a major rebellion when the Pitch Lycan disease struck.

Sitting in the cabin, while he was drinking tea, at that time, being received hospitably by the lady who brought some sweets and cakes.

- I would like some water, if you have it, please. – Tsuki asked.

- Honey, how about some brandy afterwards to warm you up, the road is cold at night, even if you're staying in an inn, it's still cold at night. – The woman said, he was chubby and friendly, the gentleman, who stayed there in the cabin at the beginning of the road into the place, even though he also owned an inn, he was the oldest and oldest in that city.

- My wife is right. - He said.

- You can stay, but as this is just a passage to another kingdom, you have to warm up. – You said.

- Ah, thanks for the advice. – Tsuki said, drinking the brandy afterwards, after a pitcher of ice water.

In the wake of his mystical dimension's change, a large amount of amber-like crystals appeared in Skelkor, in which amber had the peculiar quality of weakening dragons almost to the point of death, so Tsuki began heading towards the quarries. and the mines, while he was collecting them, on his way.

This " Dragonsbane amber " fueled a rebellion that nearly destroyed and overthrew the entire city of Doranurreu Skelkor from the map, but the substance quickly evaporated after use and within a few years, Gauwer returned and regained control of the mystical dimension from the lycans.

It was then, that about two hundred years before the Lycan Pitch Sickness, a rebel group of dragonborn managed to take a part of Skelkor's territory and hold it until another plague uprooted their kingdom that lay among the werewolves of Chabrinath from Kingdoms collapsed and held back the dark waves of Berinaus and literally threw her into the Vampiric Kingdom of Tharudan and the Vampiric Kingdom of Crimson.

While the survivors founded the kingdom of Tymanther.

Which lay between the werewolf kingdoms of Chabrinath occupied a portion of what is now the Sea of Lizardmen.

Tsuki had spent one night, in a forest, among the landscape with a dense and fried fog, in which the place is well frequented, in addition to offering room service, a good meal, in which he was between offering his services, helping the catch firewood in the forest, offering his help in various small services, really, the nights were cold, so he started drinking good brandy for 3 days.

After gathering some more supplies, in which he collected some samples, he decided to move on to the next kingdom.

- Are you going, darling? – The lady questioned him.

- The trip is long. – Tsuki said.

- So, let me help you with some supplies. - She said.

So, Tsuki ordered some groceries and supplies, in which that lady and gentleman were very kind and lovely.

- Okay, the next kingdom is after the mountains, among the forests. - He said.

While walking through the forests, between the mountains, he checked his book, where he saw a sign in the distance, the city he passed by to look at.

Korenaris was a heavily forested land that was controlled by an upstart human kingdom that overthrew its draconic lord , Korenarisamundyr, a few hundred years before the Pitch Sickness of the Lycans.

Dragons were not well-regarded in these kingdoms, they were considered beasts, there is an extensive and long tombstone with the names of those killed in battles, Tsuki stood there, reading the names nearby, as well as a spell.

- Are you interested in the spell or the names? – It was what he saw a healer or priestess.

- There is a very long war between human dragons, there are several names.

Tsuki turned around and saw the woman carrying several baskets, among other objects and herbs.

- Do you want help? – Tsuki questioned.

- If you help me, you can eat too. – She offered.

- I'll do that, but could you tell me about this city? – He asked her.

- All good. – The woman said.

So, she told us about the place.

In which it cast the continent into the Crimson Vampire Kingdom, which was considered a backward kingdom pretending to be a kingdom, with the current royal dynasty barely applying the laws of the mystical dimension of the lycans, moving from one royal stronghold to another and the law of the earth moved with them.

When he arrived, the capital of Stormhelm was a small territory and kingdom bordering the werewolves and vampires in the Sea of Lizardmen, full of political intrigue and betrayal.

Although they lived on herbs and ancient legends, some wars and ancient tales about vampires, among wars between werewolves and dragons.

Tsuki walked with his wife to a cabin, a small accommodation.

- It's been a long time since there's been anything like part of the kingdom's aid, there are a lot of travelers, so we earn money from tourism, I'm a healer, I sell cakes too. – The woman said.

In the midst of telling her about the place, he helped her cook.

When he saw that there was a point of interest it was the Royal Fortress of Nornglast: a mysteries and haunted castle. Nornglast was the “capital” of the Vampire empire between the undead and the living, the Eminence of Araunt.

This would be a bizarre organization of specters and ghosts that claimed all the crypts and mausoleums of the mystical dimension, Tsuki would have no problem, according to his guide later, with whom he spoke, there is a tour with the crypt, it is not bad to pick up some objects from each crypt and some locations, as long as the crypt lord accepts.