Kyra listened intently, her eyes never leaving Sophia's face, but when Sophia finished speaking, Kyra's expression remained unchanged, with no flash of recognition or memory.
"I'm afraid I don't match that description ,"Kyra said with a laugh. "My hair is short and blonde, and my eyes are blue, and I don't have any tatoo on my body."
Sophia and Ms. Johnson looked at each other in confusion as to why Kyra is not showing any sign of remembering or noticing their lies. but they prepared to leave before Kyra's voice stopped them. "Well, ladies, can I ask you something?"
They turned to her, their eyes questioning. "What is it?" Sophia asked.
Kyra's eyes were filled with curiousity, "what happened to this Lyra and why are you looking for her?"
Sophia and Ms. Johnson exchanged a glance, their faces filled with a mix of emotions. They had never expected to have this conversation, but now that they had started, they could not stop.