Chapter 6: Another contest in sight.

Chapter 6: Another contest in sight.

The next day, the news was everywhere that Twinkle was given suspension. Everyone could feel it, there was this atmosphere her absence in school gave.

"You know, Twinkle deserves this." Esther, a class girl said.

"Yeah, I agree, she heard queen Bella say it, and she went against her." Grace said.

"She just wanted to see what Bella would do, I know Bella is quiet but thank God Harmony isn’t." Monica, another class girl said.

"Really, harmony is the perfect match for Bella in this." Esther said.

"Bella! The principal wants to see you." A teacher said as she walked into the class.

"Yes ma!!" Bella answered and went out to meet the principal.

"Ma'am, you sent for me." She said humbly.

"Yes, come and take a look at this form." she said handing the form over to Bella. Bella keenly went through the form.

“De-legend cosmetics has brought this for anyone who is interested in contesting for the face of their product and the winner is to go home with ten thousand dollars, a car and two years model contract. It is an international company and I am sure the winner has greater things to achieve.” The principal said.

“So ma, what are you saying about it?” Bella asked.

“This form is for models like you, some other models are also coming, when they brought this form, I thought of no one else but you, I want you to pick the form, fill it, and contest. I am sure you will win.” She said.

"But ma, I don’t think……"

“No buts, Bella, you are a pretty girl and very intelligent too. All you need to do is to just have confidence in yourself.” The principal said.

"Okay, I will contest." Bella said firmly.

“That’s good, that's definitely the spirit, you can go with the form and fill it. It’s a great opportunity.”

“Thanks ma.” Bella said and left the office.



It was school over and everyone was walking down the gate.

“Bella, I can’t believe this, wow!! This is indeed a great opportunity.” Shirley said.

“Uhmm!! I’m speechless, but I am so happy for you.” Don said.

“And I know you will make us proud, you will make Kadanzy proud.” Shirley said.

“I pray so.” Bella said.

“You aren’t sounding like you have confidence in yourself, what’s wrong with you?” Asked Don.

“Come on, I do, but you know this competition will be very competitive.” Said Bella.

"Of course it should be competitive, That is why it is called a competition." Don said.

“Listen up Bella, you have to brighten up and have full confidence in yourself if you want to win this competition.” Shirley said.

“You are beautiful and elegant and also intelligent, you are a perfect picture of a model, I don’t think there is anyone out there who is better than you are, all you need to do is to be yourself and bring out the best in you.” Don said.

“Remember, you are not going to that competition to test your ability, you are going there to become the winner.” Shirley said.

“Do not forget that winning is a mindset, a mindset only developed by strong individuals. Just bear in mind that you must win.” Don said.

“And also practice makes perfect, so you must practice.” Don added.

“But how?” Bella asked.

"Register for model grooming." Shirley suggested. "You'll have to train properly so you can win." Shirley added.

"Yeah, I’ll get you registered." Don said.

"No, not again." Bella said.

"Come on, what are friends for?" Don asked.

"Now give us a smile." He added smiling.

Bella smiled and they walked pass the gate, since they’ve been standing at a particular spot for a while because of their discussion.

When Bella got home that day, she went to her Dad's room to talk to him about the turnout from the day.

"Dad, I'm sure you can hear me, I just want to let to you know that your daughter has become brave." She said as she stared into her Dad's photograph smiling.

"She's gonna make you proud okay." She said.

"And guess what?" She asked rhetorically. "Your daughter has the best kind of friends in the entire world, I'm so lucky to have them, I mean Shirley and Don, they're just the best." She said.

"When you left, I thought I was all alone, but then God sent them to me, because they're God sent." Bella continued as she sobbed silently.

"I should go sleep now Dad." Bella said as she placed the photograph properly.

"Hi..." Don called in the following day.

"Hello...." Said Bella who was on the other side if the phone.

"What are your plans for today?" Don asked.

"Clean the house and read my books of course." Bella responded.

"Okay, so can you spare sometime? Let's go model school hunting." Don suggested.

"Aawww, Don, you're such a sweetheart." Bella said.

"I know already I am." Don said laughing.

Bella got ready and left the house to meet Don as planned.

They went to scout for model schools that would help groom Bella.

They visited different model grooming schools and made enquires. Finally they decided to settle for one. Don helped enroll Bella into the model school. Bella had to go there during the weekends to groom herself. She was so thankful to Don.

"All thanks to you." Bella said.

"Naaaah it's fine, you don't have to thank me." Don said, blushing.

"Why wouldn't I, I owe you, thanks alot." Bella said warmly.

"Eemmmm emmmm, you're welcome, soooo.... Are you hungry? Don't you want to have lunch?" Don asked smiling so broadly.

"Of course yes, I am so hungry." Bella said.

Bella and Don went to the nearest eatery to have Lunch.

"Two cups of Americano and two cup cakes." Don ordered.

"Alright sir." The waitress responded.

While they were eating, Don and Bella had a whole lot of conversations.

"You know, I'm gonna miss you if you ever have to travel back to the states." Bella said.

"Really?" Don asked.

"Of course yes, that's not even a question." Bella said laughing.

"I'll miss you too, if that's the case I'll stay back here." Don said.

"Naaaah, you know you can't, your Dad needs your help over there." Bella said.

"Then I'll just take you along with me when I'm traveling." Don said laughing.

"That's crazy." Bella said as she joined him to laugh.

"Maybe it is, but I could mean it." Don said as they continued to laugh.

After eating they headed back home, Don dropped Bella off at her place before heading to his own place. Bella waved at him until she couldn't see his vehicle again.