Chapter 88: Your Mother Is A Very Strong Woman

The doctor overheard Keith's conversation and asked, "Excuse me, Sir, but is that Dr. Presley Young with whom you are speaking to?"

"Thank you. We are at the Grace Hospital in Jonathan City. I am going to send my private helicopter to pick you up." Keith nodded at the doctor. "Yes, I was speaking with Dr. Presley Young. He was attending a seminar and will be here in about an hour. Do you think you can keep her comfortable until then?"

"Yes, we can keep her comfortable until then. I will make arrangements with the other hospitals to have the equipment brought over. I will also make sure we have staff on the roof waiting for the arrival of Dr. Young." The doctor said, eagerly waiting for Keith to respond.

Keith nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, "Thank you."

The doctor nodded back and turned to Victoria, and said, "We'll do the best we can until the specialist arrives."