Chapter 96: Is There Anything I Can Do To Help?

Keith had no idea what she was talking about. He thought she was still in shock over her grandmother's death. Hearing her words, Keith felt like his heart was stabbed. Terrible anguish struck his heart. He felt a dreadful ache as if something was being torn inside him.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I will never leave you again," he whispered. Keith carefully picked Cathryn up. He searched her eyes caringly. They were reddish and weak. Pain and grief showed readily. "Please don't worry, Cathryn, Grandma, is much better now."

Cathryn rested her head against Keith's chest and wept softly. She lay so lifeless in his arms. 'What would I do if something were to ever happen to her,' Keith thought. The sounds broke the melancholy silence of Cathryn's family. She didn't know how to cope with the grief she felt inside.