When the dinner was coming to an end, Cathryn found Janice, who was talking fast to her boyfriend with cheerful reddish cheeks and giggling in a loud, girlish tone.
"Thank you for helping me earlier tonight," Cathryn toasted with Janice's glass of white wine and smiled gratefully at her.
When Janice first saw Cathryn, she had the impression that Cathryn was quiet and soft in her temper. But after the encounter with Ada, observing how she treated her rival in love, Janice had understood that she was much more than that. But generally, she looked like a good person and was really in love with Keith, and that's what mattered to her to form a friendship.
It seemed that the days ahead were long for her to get to know Cathryn Riley.
The two glasses made a loud, crispy sound when they touched each other. Both young women laughed, and their laughter covered the glass sound.