- You know, Mr. Dornenstrauch knows more about "Reinhardt and Chang Lundgren" than anyone else as to the cause that made him famous, for he has read nothing but this since leaving school.

In his mind, either he skipped school, or he skipped the class in question.

- Sir, how long before you finish your claim? - The impatience of his stalling was great.

- I am also waiting for the conclusion. – Mr. said judge said.

- It happens, your honour..., I didn't finish... - He said, being repeatedly interrupted before he finished the thoughts and allegations, of course he wasn't going to finish so soon, but apparently nobody noticed that there.

- I said. - He said. - There are numerous points that I consider it my duty to expose to your honour the truth of my old case Schatten der Dunkelheit und Barrieren der Dunkelheit, then, before numerous interruptions. – He said.