When she looks at them more closely, as she gets even closer, all this to clear up a doubt, she then impulsively asks:
- After all, who made this copy? – She questioned.
The men were away, still questioning.
- If she liked it...?
- I don't know if she didn't like it...
That's how Mr. Tulkinghorn suddenly stops, surprised by the lady's animation and unusual Hana.
- After all, is that really it?
- As for what, among you gentlemen, is called notary handwriting? – The woman asked, still looking at him again, with that nonchalant look of hers and playing with the firestop.
- Look, no ma'am. - He said.
- That's probably — Mr. Tulkinghorn examines it as he speaks — the forensic character it has was acquired after the original handwriting was formed.
- Why do you ask that?
- You know, this is just, to change this detestable monotony. Oh! carry on, carry on!