At that moment, some of them, who stood next to us, also illuminated by the glow of the fire, chatting happily, like a jovial boy. He was quite young, no more than nineteen years old, they weren't the oldest.

The years were now welcome; however, he was almost two years older than her. They were orphans and (which was quite unexpected and curious for me) they had never met before that day.

It was with the fact that we saw that all three of us meeting for the first time in such an unusual place was something that deserved comments and that was the topic of our conversation. And the fire, which had stopped crackling, flickered.

He had no idea what to say about Trygve, he was red eyed at us, like the old, sleepy lion on court stationery.

We talked in low voices, because a gentleman in uniform and with false hair came and went frequently, and when he did so, we could hear, in the distance, a shuffling sound, he told us.