It would be written ASLAUG.
- Honey, don't be afraid. - Mr. Harald, he said to her, as he looked through the small window into the car.
Who put his head between the glass of the grille at the entrance to the door.
- My goodness, they are children, poor thing, it shouldn't be like that. – The girl said.
- Honey, I ask you to be careful with yourself, this is on the other side of the city, where the children, are not children, the ones that are, are not as pure, as for those Aslaug’s children, they are always ready to do their thing - he said Mr. Harald.
When I thought he was a poor sick child or something else, I saw that he was the dirtiest little bastard I had ever seen in my life and I realized that he was feverish and terrified, crying out loud, with his neck trapped between two iron rods.