According to news, it will take him a long time to recover. - Do you want to see?

He pushes the newspaper across the table. Péngyǒu pushes her back and carefully places the fork on the table.

Now, she knows she won't be able to eat anything else, just as she knows without asking that the arm Matthew Amber broke was his left.

That night, in bed, trying to clear away the troubled thoughts swirling in her head, Péngyǒu counts how many days of vacation remain until she has to go back to school.

This happens on August 22, 2024, exactly three years after Mr. Yoshihiro and the button box entered her life.

Since it was a week, before Péngyǒu started her first and last year of finishing preparatory school, she had already organized her business, in addition to having her projects approved in a competition.

It was that week that the results came out, on the same day that his parents were away from home working at the Delphos company for the entire week.