Chapter 17: I Only Have One Dad

That night, Arianna had a strange dream. She woke up with cold sweats and could not go back to sleep. She woke the family maid and asked her to make her tea. They sat in the kitchen together as Arianna drank it, then they headed back to bed.

Arianna asked the family driver to take her to church the following morning.

The driver was surprised. Her parents were not religious people, but her late nanny was a devoted follower. Arianna had usually come up with excuses to get out of going to church with her nanny.

She didn’t believe in God. But in the chaos of her mind, she needed to find some sort of release. After spending a full hour sitting in the church pew, her mind gradually became clear.

She thought of the new people she’d met. She blamed her misfortunes on her destiny. She contemplated heaven and hell and even supernatural beings.

Arianna was much calmer.