Chapter 21: How Did You Get Over It?

All of the stories were about her misfortunes with men. She kept repeating, “Women can depend on no man.”

After a while, Arianna began to tune her out. She had her own thoughts and did not interrupt Helena, though she wasn’t listening much either.

The woman’s stories became more and more outdated and unconnected. Helena spoke about the unfaithful man she was involved with at Arianna’s age. Then she explained how she went on a hunger strike for an unrelated cause.

Helena said, “You see, I’ve felt despair in my life at times. But look at me now, no big deal.”

Arianna suddenly asked, “How did you get over it?”

“Well, after the hunger strike, I realized that the most tragic thing in the world was hunger, not being dumped by a man. As for that unfaithful cheater, I believe a mad dog bit him.”

Her lips cracked when she smiled. Arianna said, “Thank you.”

Helena replied, “I know it’s not easy. But it gets better.”